Group Assignments
Since our membership seems stable, let's go ahead and lauch the challenge. I'm sure we can all use the extra day to log miles towards our big 365 goal! At least I know I sure can! I've randomly assigned groups for more individualized support through our journey. Alpha Team: inside_lap maura1110 suziinc abrn93 carleighcham5…
Charlie Team
Just a reminder that these are the Charlie Team members! Don't let Alpha and Bravo take the game without a fight! Charlie Team: kittyhorigan RholeModel1922 Eachen22 ro5es12 skyocom Bunnie_Lynn mocatinho
Alpha Team
Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to get this process started. If any of you need one on one support, I'm pretty good about commenting on people's updates so please feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this together!! To keep myself motivated, I've decided to keep a running total. My Miles Run Today: 0 My Miles Run This…
Bravo Team: susandnichols jscoontz techgirl 2010 penguinfamily gettinslim328 stacygayle rsmblue
Week 2 Numbers
Hi Everyone! Cutoff for this weeks numbers is tonight! I will give all the teams until Monday afternoon to send me team totals for the week and for the challenge before I start hunting around your team boards to find your totals. Then you'll have to trust my shaky math! Lol! Just looking around, you all seem to be doing…
Week One Totals
I'm going to cap this weeks total at midnight EST. All other miles count towards next week. So everyone check on their team boards by then and nominate someone to post the team scores on this board. Anyone who wants to attempt the 365 on their own let me know!
Hi, I hope it's ok but I would like to take part in this group. I know you started March 10. I run/walk daily so I think this is a do able challenge for me. Monday 12 - Walked 2 miles Tues 13 - ran 3.5, walked 2 Thanks
Personal Goal
This is my personal goal for Memorial Day. I know the mileage is high but if you don't aim high you never reach the stars right? Anyone that wan't to join me in this goal is more then welcome. If nothing else, this helps hold me accountable to my goal!
Have the groups been split up yet??
Around The Corner
I'm pleasently sore from running to try to train up for this challenge. I can't wait to get started running with all of you! The 11th is right around the corner. Tomorrow, I will break everyone into groups. Any stragglers can be added to new groups as they express interest. I encourage each group to friend one another and…