Important stuff will go here one day.
HELLo heathens
Hi, It doesn't appear this group is that active but I'd love to help change that. I have over 100 pounds to lose and would love the support of fellow humanists!
Well Hello
Hey, people! The party has arrived. Lol JK... I just joined this group. I used to be a Christian until I was a late teen and then considered myself more "spiritual" for a while, and bought into all types of woo. This is my first go at getting to my goal weight as an atheist. I love to have discussions about anything,…
Shedding old religious prejudices
In another thread I was talking about the dietary prejudices I grew up. I grew up Seventh-day Adventist and we as a group tend not to eat meat, and if we do we don't eat the "unclean meats" as set forth in some verses in the New Testament (also in the OT I think, because we share these prejudices with the Jews, but without…
echo echo echo
Morality for Atheists
I got into a discussion yesterday with a christian who felt like his beliefs should be made into laws, and that there should be stiff penalties for those who do not follow such beliefs. I disagreed of course, and reminded him about the first amendment in the U.S. But he then went on to claim that it didn't matter which…
Is it Hail Trump or President Trump ?
I have so many questions after the election of Trump. Do they really think that Gays can be shocked back to normal ? After they use" waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse" " on all the bad people", will the Journalist of "fake news" be classed as" bad people" ? Why is Mad Dog James Mattis considered the most sane in…
Atheists are hurting the West
God, Conrad Black, for those who know him, can be an idiot.
I hope this group is active!
Hi, I'm on and off my weight loss journey, I have a lot to lose and I'm dealing with some other issues. I'm on another group for losing a lot of weight and all I hear is 'prayers' being sent. I like the group because losing this much weight has challenges different than other groups (none of it is easy, just that…
Tuam Mother and Babies Home
Former Mother and Baby Home Tuam: It was confirmed today that the bodies of up to 800 babies were buried in a septic tank on the site of the home. The age of the Children were from a few hours to 5 years old. Below is a link to an Irish radio talk show hosted by Joe Duffy. Its starts with a interview with a R. C. priest…
What will happen when Mr Trump is President
As we approach the date when Mr Trump will be President ! What will happen to America in the next 4 years ?