Important stuff will go here one day.
What dosha type are you?
I'm curious to learn what dosha types we have here in our little group. I know me and our founder are total opposites! : ) If you're new to Ayurveda, check out the Online Resource page at You can take a dosha quiz, and learn more about the basics of Ayurveda before committing to buying any books or supplies.…
Introductory Message
Hi - I've recently become very interested in Ayurveda after having done a fall detox in Sept 2011 and now in following the 3-Season Diet ( since early Feb 2012. I am hardly an expert on the topic but I'm interested in connecting with others who are incorporating more…
Ayurvedic Daily Schedule
Several of the Ayurvedic sources I've referenced (books, online) have suggested daily schedules for each of the different doshas. For example, as a Kapha, it's recommended that I rise before the sun (between 4:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. depending on the source). Do you keep an Ayurvedic schedule? Have you found it helpful? Do…
Ayurveda Books
Please feel free to share the books you are using in your Ayurvedic journey here! I've found Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing by Usha Lad & Dr. Vasant Lad very helpful. It is full of wonderful, delicious recipes and has chapters on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine as well. It's a great starter book.
I'm curious to know if any of you fast as part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. A couple of the books I have suggest Kaphas fast one day a week. I'm not sure about other doshas. Do you do it for spiritual reasons? For longevity? For detoxing? All of them combined? What benefits have you noticed?
Ayurveda : Art Of Being
Ayurveda: Art of Being (2001) by Pan Nalin
July 2013 Check-in -- Come by and say hi!
I've noticed we've gained some new members. That's terrific! Feel free to check-in, let us know where you are in your Ayurvedic journey, and how things are going. What books are you reading? What websites? How has adding Ayurvedic principles improved your life so far? What area of the Ayurvedic lifestyle are you looking to…
What do the books in your collection (or info received from a professional) say about drinking water? How much? Does how much differ by dosha? For Kaphas: Have you found that you feel better by drinking less water? (or not over-drinking) Does anyone drink water first thing in the morning from a copper cup? (as suggested by…
I'm going to be trying this supplement for the next month, will let you all know how I get on. I'd also be interested to know if anyone else has tried it and what their experience has been. Infor below from Wikipedia Triphala consists of equal parts of three myrobalans, taken without seed: Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica),…
The Dharma of Food
Just by happenstance, I recently learned about a seminar by Arun Deva ( in LA this weekend 2/9/2013 called the Dharma of Food. It's being held at the Sivanada Center ( in Marina del Rey. From the flyer: "In the last 200 years or so we have weakened our ties to…