Body Fat Reduction Resources
Aiming to get some resources together. I'm going to add a few here. 1. Starting Strength - Barbell Weightlifting Book to build muscle and lose fat. This came highly recommended to me on another Health & Fitness forum where the majority seem to be into bodybuilding. 2. P90X,P90X2, Insanity - Commercial programs from the…
Some online body fat calculator links
Thought I'd better get the show on the road.... So here's the first post:smile: I've used online calculators so far for this but I'm not at all sure how reliable the…
Calculating your daily caloric needs and macronutrient profi
The following is an article that has been posted and reposted many times, but I think it is important enough to post at least once more since most people on MFP still question how much they should be eating. It's fairly lengthy but well worth a read, and you'll be totally missing out if you TL;DR on it! This is a direct…
Scales that measure BF%
I was recently taking a bootcamp-style course at a Cross Fit gym. At the beginning and end of the course, they took measurements, one of which measured BF% via a scale (with metals "pads" for my feet). Now, I belong to a University gym, and they don't have a scale like that. I would have to pay for a personal training…
A little humor
These 10 secrets to cutting fat were shared by a fellow MFP'er. Pretty funny. 1) Never eat white carbs while riding a unicorn. This one is pretty self explanatory. 2) Eat Ben and Jerry’s or Haagen Dazs 3-7 nights a week. The reason for this is that both companies use magic cows to source their cream, and it has been…