I know diet soda's really bad for me, and now that I'm getting into the swing of a healthier lifestyle, it's time for me to kick this habit! Any advice on how to stop drinking diet without missing it too much?
This may be surprising but I RARELY drink water. I can go MONTHS without drinking a single sip of water. Or I could before I started exercising. I realize how unhealthy this is and I'm determined to change my bad habits but have any of you found yourselves not drinking water for long periods of time?
In a long time that I have not had any soda at all not even a sip, I feel fine but am worried about tomorrow! I hope I can break this habit. Once about 6 years ago I stopped drinking soda for about two months and I lost 10 lbs. I know soda has been part of my downfall so I hope to kick it once and for all!
This is day 2 for me, sure seems like longer! The headaches are starting to set in :sad:
My husband has agreed to purchase a purse that I've been wanting if I can quit drinking Diet Dr. Pepper for 21 days. (they say a habit can be broken in 21 days...) Do you find that this type of challenge or reward motivates you to fight through the withdrawl? LeAnn