Days without your diet soda of choice...

LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
This is day 2 for me, sure seems like longer! The headaches are starting to set in :sad:


  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    boo for the headaches...sorry!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    2 days is great.

    I had 2 and a half cans today ahh :( will try to do better tomorrow!
  • kari1740
    kari1740 Posts: 45 Member
    Tomorrow is a week for me :) The first couple days were rough though and I took a drink of Diet Pepsi before my husband caught me and took it away! haha
  • nrdevers
    nrdevers Posts: 141 Member
    I'm just starting this. I am so addicted to diet coke. I just want to quit it - maybe just for the sake of quitting. I need to be drinking water. I like tea and other drinks too, but I love the bubbles of soda. But I need to quit - I have GERD, and sometimes I can feel my esophagus spasm. I know that this is not good for me - I did a barium swallow and it showed I had a hiatal hernia - and soda is the worst thing for that! yet, I still haven't been able to quit. I guess my symptoms haven't been bad enough to quit, but I need to.
  • missle30
    missle30 Posts: 40 Member
    It's my first day. I've given it up before - for like 6 years, or so, actually, but then, one day at work, I thought I could have just one... That "one" has gone from a 12 oz can to a couple 55 ounce fountain drinks/day! So, today, I am starting over at day 1. So far, so good. I can feel a bit of a headache coming on, though!