Important stuff will go here one day.
Let's revive this group! :)
I'm on a break from dog showing while we try to finish our move from Minnesota to Arizona, so I want to use this time to get healthy enough to show our dog(s) by the time they get down here. We currenty have a Brittany who's only about half way to his championship, and showing him means a lot of fast running...not easy…
Is there anyone left here?
Just wondering, because I was thinking of starting a group like this one.
Hi, I just got back from running my dogs at the beach (they ran, I walked) and found this group. I just joined MyFitnessPal and I would really like some friends.
Currently Dog-less
Hey there! I lost my German Shepherd girl a little over a year ago, and due to some crazy lifestyle changes, haven't considered finding a new pup. I've moved twice, and am moving again in the upcoming months. Hopefully at that point my partner and I will be settled enough to start looking. I'm having puppy fever like…
Ugh bring a lunch!
Wish we could get a vendor that would wise up and sell something other than fair food. I really wish I could buy a wrap or a yogurt or a piece of fruit at a dog show. What temptation all that terrible delicious fair food is!