Important stuff will go here one day.
I started this group after searching for a BJJ group on here and not finding one. If one already exists we should fold this and I'll gladly join the working group. That being said: My name is Nick Feden, I train BJJ at Maxercise in Philadelphia under John Desimone, a Saulo Ribeiro Black Belt. I've been training on and off…
Ginastica Natural
As I'm getting more into JJ & getting older as well, I'm becoming more & more a fan of ginastica natural (moving my body as opposed to moving weights). Anyone else a fan and have some workouts to share?
Biggest Insights On The Way to Blue Belt
Guys, What were your biggest insights on the way to blue belt?
How many calories.....?
Interesting article:
Worst Position?
Just seeing if I can get a discussion started. What's your worst position to be in? I hate being side-mounted! I will go as far as letting someone take the mount from side-mount because I find it much easier to escape (or reverse) from there. Your thoughts?
NAGA Atlanta - Feb. 9, 2013
Anyone? I will be there... see you on the mats! Good luck to everyone participating!