I started this group after searching for a BJJ group on here and not finding one. If one already exists we should fold this and I'll gladly join the working group. That being said: My name is Nick Feden, I train BJJ at Maxercise in Philadelphia under John Desimone, a Saulo Ribeiro Black Belt. I've been training on and off…
As I'm getting more into JJ & getting older as well, I'm becoming more & more a fan of ginastica natural (moving my body as opposed to moving weights). Anyone else a fan and have some workouts to share? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXjP50SOwK4
Guys, What were your biggest insights on the way to blue belt?
Interesting article: http://timbrucejiujitsu.blogspot.com/2012/07/how-many-calories-do-we-burn-in-bjj.html
Just seeing if I can get a discussion started. What's your worst position to be in? I hate being side-mounted! I will go as far as letting someone take the mount from side-mount because I find it much easier to escape (or reverse) from there. Your thoughts?
Anyone? I will be there... see you on the mats! Good luck to everyone participating!