Important stuff will go here one day.
10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Lose Weight
Many people start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. Sometimes, this task is often easier said than done. Some people last a little longer than others, but for most motivation starts to sag soon into the fitness plan. There are easy ways that almost anyone can use to help motivate…
Getting Back on Track After The Holidays
If you've eaten way too much over the Christmas break; all is not lost. Here's how to get back on track over the next few days: Snack smart. Don't starve yourself over the next few days, but don't dive into the left over Christmas nibblys either. If a craving hits, go for snacks that balance protein, fat, and carbs—like…
Exercise and the Flu
Can exercise keep you from getting the flu this year? What if you're already sick with flu symptoms? Should you push yourself to work out anyway? No one can deny the benefit of a regular exercise regimen on overall health and disease prevention. Findings continue to support the benefit of regular exercise in strengthening…
FA Meeting - Food Anonymous Meeting
As we discussed in the meeting, some of us have food addictions. So we are starting a FA meeting online. I want you to start, just like they do in the meetings and say, hi my name is ___ and I am addicted to _____. (Name the types of food that you fill you could not do without until now) We are going to go through the…
Tips to Eliminating Sugars as a Lifestyle Change
It takes 28 days to detox from most addictive substances, and sugar – hidden in fast food, low-fat options and condiments – is certainly an addictive substance. So as you detox, eliminate hidden sugars and incorporate alternative sweeteners. Hunt down hidden sugars hiding in your cabinets and pantry. Throw away foods…
Accountability is one of the most important factors in losing weight, or changing any behavior/lifestyle. When you have to report to someone else, when you feel a level of pressure, it tends to change how you think and act. This is the main reason we started weighing in at every Bikini Bash Meeting. I want to encourage you…
Some thing to think about.
What this video and tell us what you think!!!!
Sugar and it's effects on our bodies
Sugar, sweet sugar—a delightful minute on the tongue in exchange for what feels like a lifetime on the hips. But weight gain isn’t the only consequence of eating too much sugar. Are you ready for the not-so-sweet truth? First of all, why is sugar bad? Over-consumption of processed sugar can contribute to a number of…
A Family Affair and Little Debbie Snacks
So today, I was hungry and was at the gas station. I was looking around for a “healthy low calorie snack” in the gas station. I knew that deep down inside that there was probably no such thing but I really needed something to eat. So I looked for fruit which sometimes gas stations carry but didn’t find any. So as I was…
Dinner for Breakfast
So if you were there on Sunday, you know we had quite a discussion. It was great. So pat yourselves on the back for making the meeting a great success. Your comments, inputs and honesty made it so much easier for the meeting to flow. It also made new comers fill right at home with everyone. So thank you! Now, one of the…