Important stuff will go here one day.
New Introduction
Welcome, KC9OEN (George), I tested for my general license in 2008 and have loved ham radio ever since. I have always been looking for a way to marry up ham radio and walking (exercising) as I always thought it would be nice to walk and talk. Use the walk to get exercise and the HT (walkie-talkie) to talk with others, make…
What's in your Shack?
I'm temp off air, waiting for part to use my Buddipole antenna on my balcony. The setup is FT-897D (US version import), G4ZLP data interface, MD100 mic, and the Buddipole antenna. Also I have the Icom IC-756 ProIII with matching accessories, but that's up for sale. So, what you running??
How Cool Is That!?!
Hey. I had something neat happen yesterday. My husband (W0EP) and I are training for a marathon and had to run 18 miles yesterday in Starkville, Mississippi. We ran right past the MFJ headquarters! How cool is that!?! Just thought I'd share. 73's W5MSH
vanity signs
Since we no longer live in Colorado, I decided to give up my Colorado call sign and have one assigned to me from the Mississippi call signs. I received the generic Mississippi call sign today. That meant that I could now apply for a vanity call sign! YAY! So, 18 days from now, I hope to be the proud owner (at least I hope…