So, lately I have been in the mood to purge. I live in an apartment by myself, and yet I've got so much stuff! This past week I did so much overhauling of my apartment. Cleaning out cupboards and closets, clearing off countertops, etc. And I think I caught the cleaning bug, because I want to do more! Now, let me say this.…
I'm so excited to see people joining and writing for this group. I'm loving the support-group feel of it, haha. I thought I'd make a separate thread where we could share any tips or tricks we may have for starting and progressing through the weight loss journey. For example, I made a picture collage that I now have as my…
Hey everyone, so I really want this to be a place where we can support each other and be proactive in our weight loss journey together. I thought it would be good to do a quick post maybe where we each tell a bit about each other... both the good and bad! So, I will go first! I'm 24 and work full-time in a school as well…