Important stuff will go here one day.
Goals for the year to come?
What are your goals? I've been trying to be a runner for the past year, and have had my failures and successes. When I started I couldn't run for more than 30 seconds at a time. That on it's own was the hardest thing for me to do. I started the couch to 5K plan and half way through didn't need it anymore. Over the past…
Give us your best positive/Motivational "Quote"
I have 2 - #1 - You'll never regret working out, but you will regret not. #2 - A 1 hr workout is 4% of your day!
Getting through the Holidays...
This next month is going to be a challenge. What's some of your best tips?:smile: I found an article with 5 great tips..His Facebook is Kendrick Fitness. 1.) Pre-Party before the party- Snack on some healthy fats before leaving the house. Nuts, cheese, carrot w/hummus, greek yogurt w/walnuts, avocado/turkey sandwich. It…
Cortisol and Stress: How to Stay Healthy
Cortisol is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the following functions and more: Proper glucose metabolism Regulation of blood pressure Insulin release for blood sugar maintanence Immune function Inflammatory response Normally, it’s present in the body at higher levels in the…
How to fight after 40
You'll gain 30lb a year if you eat the same in middle age as you did in your 30s. But don't despair! A new book reveals how you can stay trim By LUCY CAVENDISH UPDATED: 05:03 EST, 30 January 2012 Comments (129) Share Losing weight in your 20s and 30s is simple: just eat a bit less, move a bit more. Back then, I ate…
Planning out your week...
What are you going to do this week that will help you stay on track that you didn't do last week? Besides Thanksgiving:noway: This week I'm going to focus on eating the right portions and not giving in to the sweets. Strength Training 3 times this week. No excuses:)