Goals for the year to come?

esta94510 Posts: 14 Member
What are your goals?

I've been trying to be a runner for the past year, and have had my failures and successes. When I started I couldn't run for more than 30 seconds at a time. That on it's own was the hardest thing for me to do. I started the couch to 5K plan and half way through didn't need it anymore. Over the past year I've run 7 5K's:) I stopped and started my running so many times over the past year that I haven't been able to reach my next goal.

With all that said I'm back at only being able to run 3.5 miles and it SUCKS almost every time. So my GOAL for this year, is to be more consistent with my running.


Run three times a week (20 min minimum)
Run at least 10 5K's next year
Not worry about my time, but rather the distance. (this is the hardest one for me)
Run at least 2 10K's
Ultimate goal: Run a half marathon by the end of next year.

I can do it! Now what are your goals? :wink:


  • BunnyBabyDoll
    The star of this year has definitely been rough for me but no more excuses!!!
    My goals this year are...

    To start AND complete the Insanity Challenge!!
    To eat healthier
    Drink in moderation
    Run a mile straight without stopping
    Do at least 10 regular guy push UPS ( I can only do the girly ones lol)
    To reach my goal weight!!!!!
    Get all A's in all my college classes this year
    And to get my cat Stella to stop peeing everywhere >.<
  • BLTemple07
    BLTemple07 Posts: 10 Member
    Last year I made a goal to lose about 60 lbs.. I lost a total of 30 and gained most back.. I have a total of 110 lbs to lose. I am tired of being this way. This time , no excuses only success

    Goals for the year:
    Lost at least 48 lbs. ( 4 lbs a month )
    To make working out part of my life.. Not something I have to force
    To run 1 5k
    Run A Mile without stopping
    To HAVE to buy new clothes because everything is too BIG
    To celebrate my successes and to let go of my failures
    Not care about what others think, even when I am working out
    Over all Be Healthy.. that is the main goal