lynjoywal Member


  • Life is great in the Sunshine State of Queensland - born and raised in Brisbane and love it!!!!
  • I do a 500 calorie fast 2days per week. This was what really started my weight loss. Before that I was on 1200 calories per day and was losing nothing despite exercising - GP suggested (after checking my food diary) trying 800 calories but I thought if I can do 800, I can do 500 a couple of times per week. It's working a…
    in Fasting Comment by lynjoywal April 2017
  • I just turned 70 last month and I have also been a member of MFP for ages but, like you, I am now serious and weighing everything I eat. Nothing seems to help - I do Aqua Aerobics x 3 times a week. Must be something to do with age - everything else has slowed down so why not weight loss? That's my excuse and I'm sticking…