IMaintain Member


  • It's not one-size-fits-all, it's science-fits-all, or at least science explains physical processes. I'm just now revisiting this site after years away after some suprising-but-not-surprising weight news. Due to long experience with maintenance mode and close attention to quantities and calorie information, I just keep a…
  • Why not try this instead of hangs: do normal, maximum effort pulls, and when you reach the top of your effort, then do full negatives (lower yourself under control). Don't strain or use your legs or recruit other muscles--i.e. don't do anything weird--to get your chin to the bar, just controlled, maximal exertions. Do…
    in Dead hangs Comment by IMaintain May 2015
  • Thanks, I see that there are no problems with maintaining in a +5/-5 range. Is there any evidence of health implications to going +10/-10? +15/-15? I mean, at some point I figure that the variation becomes unhealthy yo-yo'ing even if you yo-yo around a set point.
  • But, for example, say I throw calorie fluctuations (indulgences) into the mix so that the weight range around the set point becomes 10 pounds instead of 5? And then the same question for 15-20 pound fluctuation. I mean, at what point is a real weight fluctuation itself considered not the best way to go, even if the average…
  • and caressing, and rubbing, and
  • Your workaround will make the system even more difficult to use than it currently is. I responded so that people will understand I'm still asking for a solution rather than let the thread end there, misleadingly. Or perhaps someone from the site will be able to state that My Foods can't be sorted by name, and the solution…
  • As I said, I use My Foods exclusively because the inability to edit Recent makes that category difficult to use. Adding even more stuff to it will make it even more difficult. Is this inability to sort My Foods a known site bug?