ilovesweeties Member


  • Goal for July is to lose 10lbs and get to my next goal of 209. To get there, I'll be finishing Couch 2 5k and continuing to run, doing enough total activity for at least a 21000 kcal/week burn and keeping food intake to 10500 kcal/week intake.
  • Female Age - 34 Current weight- 230.1 lbs Lowest weight - 156 lbs (Sept 2015) Goal weight - 150 lbs Goal for December - 190 lbs Fitness goal for Dec - run 5k in under 27 mins I lost 70 lbs from Aug 2014 to Jul 2015, by calorie counting, walking more, then taking up running. In 2016, I began to gain weight and was 190 lbs…
  • I reached goal in Jul 2015- 70 lbs lost. Then I went through a very difficult time and despite all the heartache, I kept my weight +/- 5lbs of goal... but when my partner and I got engaged in Mar 2016, I celebrated with cake! Lots of celebration dinners and drinks and cakes. My focus shifted from training and calorie…
  • Hello! I am getting married in April, have had my dress since last May. I lost 70 lbs in 2014/15, but put a bit back on after my engagement last year! I want to lost about a stone before my first dress fitting in mid-Feb so I am back on it, tracking, walking, running and lifting. After that, maybe a few more pounds, but…
  • I would second any recommendation for stronglifts 5x5. It's easy to keep track of, easy enough to learn the form and it feels unbelievably amazing when you can squat your own bodyweight (and more!). I have no idea what difference it's made to my body fat % as I don't trust that measure on my scale, I have been very patchy…
  • Shorts! It's not so much a size thing more that I want to be able to wear a standard pair of shorts on my honeymoon without the dreaded chub rub. I have been there once before and I don't have much to do before I am back there... it was just so nice not to need long shorts and not be wearing spanx underneath a nice summer…
  • It would! I wonder if it is to do with workers needing fed before a morning of manual labour? Before most of us were just sitting at desks all day. I am a public health nutritionist in the UK, so while I know the science behind public health recommendations, it has been interesting while losing weight to see what has…
  • The public health advice to eat breakfast (i.e wholemeal cereal and/or toast with some fruit, not a full, fried English) is sound, as you would generally get useful nutrients (macro and micro) from these foods. The theory is that if you eat something healthy and filling just after you wake up, you would be less susceptible…
  • My experience so far tells me if I don't log I enter a parallel universe where more than one Double Decker a day is OK (and the rest...). Shouldn't have been a surprise, it's how I gained weight in the first place! I maintained a 70 lb loss for about 6 months, but as soon as I stopped logging vigilantly the weight started…
  • I do! I am quite tall, I walk a lot and when I run 3 times a week, I average about 2700 burned according to my FitBit. So, I also lose on around 2000, which I really wish I had known when I started all this.
  • A vote for Fitbit Charge HR! Suits me down to the ground, especially now I have the teal one (and it was so great being able to move from a large to a small band). I did no research before I got my first one though, FitBit Flex. I'd never really heard about trackers for general activity until the all-knowing Amazon floated…
  • I'm so impressed you are able to identify and address a one pound gain! 'Maintaining' my loss since 1 July 2015, I have put on ~ 8 lbs over the last 4 months and managed to tell myself it was water, sodium, food waste, whatever, until last weekend. Looking back on it, I know it was not saying 'no' enough (Christmas…
  • I'm with @heybales (and science). My own experience is that running a mile burns a little more than walking a mile, but not as much as I'd like! I aim for 10k steps day and whether I walk it all or run part of it, my FitBit records my burn for the day as relatively similar. So if I walk 10k steps per day and run a few…
  • I am in my early thirties, I stopped trying to lose about 8 months ago after reaching goal weight and getting really sad about some areas of loose skin (67 lbs down). I didn't have a huge problem, but it was noticeable enough to make me self-conscious. Eight months on and things haven't 'snapped back', but it all is…
  • +1 to everything above, I really miss not caring about the calories in things and some of the spontaneity that goes with that. I am happy to be where I am, but I lost the sense of kinship with other larger ladies, even those I never met. I was a person with high self esteem whatever I weighed and I sometimes see myself as…
  • I have had for 3 years. I had some weight gain in the first 2 years, but I believe that was fully to do with my sloth, not with Mirena. Lost 70 lbs in less than one year, still with Mirena and have been maintaining for about 7 months. I understand some people have issues, but I have had no problems and an overall great…
  • I've always been desk-based, but when I started with MFP/FitbBit seriously, I realised what a difference the moving around I wasn't calling 'exercise' was making. It's tough, but since I heard that "sitting is the new smoking" (!) I am more aware of the need to move than ever! Walking to and from work is a blessing for me,…
  • I finished C25K one year ago (Feb 2015) and I am amazed that I am still pushing myself to get out there and run. I started out to run 5k on Sunday and just kept on going until I had my first ever 10k under my belt. So pleased :smile:
  • I've been maintaining for about 6 months now, and yes, I am still as obsessed. I like the new me, it's worth the amount of thought that goes into it. I hope to be able to ease off weighing and logging, but I am ok with the idea that 15 years of bad habits will probably take more than a year to break for good. I've not…
  • Hi. I lost 70 lbs over about a year in 2014/15. I work in an office, have a young family and had gotten quite out of shape. I saw a photo of myself on holiday which broke my heart and I resolved to do something about it. I cut my intake to around 1500 calories/day (I am 175cm tall) and started off aiming for 10,000 steps a…
  • I had more of a think about this... I eat mostly the same foods as a I did day to day, but there are quite a few things I don't do anymore. Friday morning breakfast is no longer a 'treat' of a sausage roll and a doughnut from the baker- it's the same old breakfast cereal as every other day. I avoid the 'can't be bothered…
  • I remember the things I used to eat, as I still eat a lot of the same things... what I really don't remember is why I thought the amount I was eating was ok, given that I was basically inactive!
  • I don't think of it as logging and counting for the rest of my life... I try to think of it as logging and counting for now. I'm not ready to give up logging yet as when I do, I lose control. One day though- it took 31 years to develop the bad habits so I expect it will take more than one year to break them. For now, my…
  • I didn't just indulge over Christmas, I indulged from my holiday in Nov to New Year's day... loved almost every second of it, apart from Christmas Day where I think I took it too far with the tin of Miniature Heroes. Scale said 6 gained from goal on 2 Jan and I feel fluffier than usual! It wasn't as much water weight as…
  • I always try to get 10,000 steps a day, but when it's raining heavily and I still have thousands to go, I have been known to march around the living room for as long as it takes! My other half expressed some concern that I was taking my step count aim too far... but I knew what I needed to do to lose weight and if walking…
  • I aimed for 1500 kcal/day intake for the majority of my loss. This was the lowest intake at which I could still feel satiated while enjoying my daily Kit Kat or peanut butter cups. This level of intake started off as a 1000 kcal/day deficit for a sedentary overweight person and ended up as a 1000 kcal/day deficit for an…
  • Same here! I just can't get into lifting and stick to it like I could with running. To answer the OP: the actual day I reached goal was cool. I was pretty cheerful and people who I shared my success with were really pleased for me. It felt worth all the hard work. Slimmer than I have ever been as an adult, I now look great…
  • I do the same, for the same reasons and I'm glad to finally see others do too!
  • I second getting a FitBit, if you are keen for a better estimate of calorie burn. I do not move about much at work in an office, but my average burn is 2400/day, according to FitBit (which is 'Active' according to MFP). I would never have set MFP to 'Active', because of the 8 hours/day on my desk chair, but my CICO is…