ShredWeek1 Member


  • Happy August, Plant People! My annual physical is at the end of this month, so this month is a truly focused one. Today I did 10984 steps, and though Sunday night is family dinner...when we order in, and it is usually Indian, stuck close to the core principles. This month I'm really focusing on my scheduling. My schedule…
  • Weekly weigh in, Sunday: 146, Last week, 146, Starting Wt. 148 Weekly step count: 7/26: 2280 7/27: 8177 7/28: 4240 7/29: 6138 7/30: 6034 7/31: 8150 That's all for now!
  • Yep, I remember watching Finding Nemo with our son for the 84th time, and the scene where the fish are caught in the net and gasping for air...that was the end of fish for me. Long before that I gave up beef, chicken, etc., but somehow fish didn't seem sensate to me. I've started doing my work out routine to TED Talks, and…
  • My planning is less about meals than it is about getting in a certain number of servings of fruits/veggies. My goal is to get at least 70% of my food from fruits/veggies. Right now, I would say I am about 50%.
  • Happy Thursday! The temperature has dropped to a lovely 77 degrees...and it has been glorious. Today: Vega protein powder, almond milk, blueberries potatoes 3 rice cakes, vegan turkey slices cauliflower made in the air fryer with nutritional yeast watermelon Not as 'pure" as what I had aspired to previously, but I found…
  • That's sounds very frustrating. Have you had an annual physical? If not, book an appointment for one and ask your doctor to check your thyroid function. Our son has something called Hashimoto's disease, which is a failing thyroid. He's only 18 (we learned of this when he was 14), and it seemed that nothing that he did…
  • Oh, and thank you for the link. Interesting...!
  • Austin: What motivated you to start and what kept you going? I find the longer I eat this way, the easier it is to eat this way (reminds of the process when I quit smoking, it just became less about not smoking than not having to go through the early stages of withdrawing from smoking.) What I find is that once I stop…
  • Wow, did I read that right...130 lbs? That's a person! Good for you! I have only a toddler to lose, but I think any weight loss requires commitment. What I love about this way of eating is that the commitment is easier to sustain because the food is so nourishing. That being said, I look back on this month as it draws to a…
  • Happy Monday, Plant People. I'm feeling much more on track. I've been watching videos on YouTube by Andrew Kirby, and the one I watched yesterday has really stuck with me: Most people think a week, month or year ahead...we should think 25 years ahead, and as we make our choices ask ourselves if those choices will give us…
  • Oops, I should note that when emotion have driven my eating in the past, it would have been far more than peanut butter...that would have been just the start...
  • I'll check it out. I like James Clear (I think part of it is the delivery...the message seems to go so well with that intense unwavering gaze and the bald head...I think I'm a little hypnotized.) I'll definitely check out Tiny Habits. I found a great YouTuber, Andrew Kirby. I think he's 12 (no probably early 20s) and he…
  • Sunday: PW: 146 CW: 146 SW: 148 My all time high this year was 154, so I'm pretty happy with the downward trend given that I am spending so much time in an environment where it is so easy to get food!
  • I wear a face mask just the same way I would put on a seat belt when I get in a car...probably I won't get in an accident, but if I do I want to know that I took every precaution. The virus is an airborne virus. It travels in the air, it lands on surfaces. We don't know exactly how far it travels, how long it lingers on…
  • Austin: Thank you! I've been interested in fasting for some time, and I am a big science geek! It makes sense to me on several levels, I just have a set of ingrained habits which I need to "degrain" (I'm just making up words now...whee...I think this isolation is getting to me!) As I see fewer years ahead of me than behind…
  • Good morning, Plant People! This week I've decided on three tweaks to the basic plan: Use salads as my base and sign up for an on-line program. This one is Katie's Conscious Kitchen and she's vegan/sugar/flour free. I'm pretty happy with eating a rotation of the same 10 foods, but to get The Men on board I think I need to…
  • There's nothing like a new purse! I actually ordered some new shoes from Zappos. I used to get my cardio in at the gym, but now it is lots of walking, and it time for an upgrade. I just started consistently doing 15 minutes of free weights/pilates/yoga daily. I do it while listening to the national and international news,…
  • 7/21: 7642 Less then previously. I think I need to work in another walk after dinner.
  • Good evening! I'll take all the rain...cause it is actually pleasant to walk outside: 7/21: 10,374 steps
  • Good evening, Plant People! What do you do for exercise? I'm working on 10k steps per day, and up to 18 minutes of free weights, Pilates and yoga (I started at 5 with the shut down and have added a minute per week.) I just started measuring my food in measuring cups. I can knock back 6 potatoes no problem as well as a…
  • Good afternoon Plant People! My story: My husband is a vegetarian and also keeps kosher, so when we started dating it was simply easier to give up animal flesh and shellfish. However, I didn't fill in the gaps made by relinquishing those with healthier foods...I was a french fry vegetarian (my husband was a spaghetti…
  • Oh, we had a straight week of that...and now, it is beautiful! So, I'm sure your turn is coming. 7/20: 9642
  • Mihani: Thank you! I need to do more than I am to sustain this and this will certainly help. Now, this may be a weird question: But, did anyone else feel more emotionally vulnerable when you changed your eating? I've always thought that food could be self-medication for depression, anger, anxiety, and now that I'm not…
  • 7/19: 8526 Just a glorious day here...a night full of rain, and everything now is so cool and sweet!
  • Mihani: How do you cook your veggies? Right now, I'm putting everything in the airfryer, but I think I need more variety. Sunday night is Treat Ourselves night in our house, when we pick up a meal to eat a home. Tonight it was naan, rice, samosa, vegetable biryani, an eggplant dish. I made myself a baked potato, slice it…
  • Oops, just ignore the above..for whatever reason I can't edit it: It should read: PW 146.8 CW 146 LTD 2 lbs (SW 148) (*I think I had 140 stuck in my brain from a prior poster's amazing success story!)
  • Sunday weigh in: Pw: 146.8 (I think) CW: 140 LTD: 2 lbs