Bebe6740 Member


  • I think once in a while, in moderation it's ok. To think you will never eat pizza again, never ever, I think would be a bit extreme. Maybe some people don't, but I think the great majority of the population that is trying to lose weight enjoys these type of these once in a while..... well at least that's what I'm planning…
  • Oh don't feel bad @nikoba , mine wasn't 'accidental' either. In one week of starting LC i lost 4 kilos (I'm sure most water weight)... and then I had pizza and chocolate yesterday....but I don't feel 'bad'...I'm human :) Just learn to forgive yourself and keep going, I think the worst we can do is punish ourselves and then…
  • YUP!! I actually had pizza AND chocolate yesterday ....fell off the wagon after 1 full week of eating 40-80 carbs a's ok though I'm back on the wagon again today....but I do feel 'blah' and tired. How did you feel after a carb load and did it completely kick you off your course? :neutral:
  • This is a cool idea, but I already spend a lot of time reading things on here, adding fb would just keep me posted to my phone/computer all day, instead of being out and about... So I'll pass!
  • I agree, it seems like I don't process carbs well either. Yesterday I went to visit my mom and she was joking with me about how skinny my feet looked in my pumps (usually they look like little meatballs), and that is just with 1 week of eating LC. My weigh in day is next Thursday and we will see how much the scale dips…
  • I have to count calories or I find it easy to go past 1800.... I guess that's because I'm not doing keto, I'm been a gearing about 70 carbs a day since I started this past Monday. :smiley:
  • So inspiring!!! Can't wait to read some more! Marilyn
  • I have set MFP to 1860.. Some days I'm unde some right on, some over by 150... I don't think I could eat 1200 cals!! Lol
  • This is all amazing stuff!! One more question- do you all also count calories, and if so what is your calorie intake?? Thanks again, Marilyn
  • This is all amazing stuff! I think part of our weight loss success will be reading about everyone's success as we continue on our own weight loss journeys, slowly but steady. These words are encouragement straight for the soul! I do read that most of you are doing keto (staying under 20 carbs), and you are the ones that…
  • HOLY MOLY! There are some big losses in this group! Well, even the small .5 losses are something to celebrate!!.. I've lost 4.6 lbs since May 1st, weighed in today at my my lowest weight this year so far, so that felt great. I just started LC this past Monday the 18th, so I'm hoping that it will help speed things up a bit.…
  • That all sounds very encouraging! I hope to get similar results eating less than 100 carbs a day. Do you all work out super hard as well? Cardio/weights? Thanks again!
  • Wow, thank you so much for everyone's input....hoping to read a few more updates. One additional question, are most of you eating less than 20, 50 carbs? I am planning to stick to less than between 20-100. Thanks!
  • That's awesome!! Down 8 lbs and eating 2000 calories!!! This is something I see working long term for you...I think people restrict too much, lose quickly, and then bounce back with force. I've lost 4 in 2 weeks, but I'm 'looking' like I've lost more than 4, I'm going to the gym and doing some cardio and lifting heavy,…
  • WOWWWW!!!! Amazing!!!!
  • Hello, if you are planning to eat around 2000 calories, I just created a group for support: :smiley: We all need motivation! Marilyn
  • Ok that makes sense! Will modify mfp to reflect new calorie target gaols and eat at that for 4 weeks and then re-*kitten*! Thank you! Marilyn
  • Oh, @heybales I just used the following link to calculate calories and came up with 2100 as TDEE- 15%...... So I guess if I want to eat at TDEE-20% then I should eat 2000 calories?
  • Thank you all for your input!! I've been doing this for 1.5 months now and lifting heavy 3-4 times a week with minimal cardio- also I work from home so pretty sedentary I must say. I used the scooby's calorie calculator which puts my TDEE-20% around 2277 calories a day using the moderate activity level (I was inclined to…
  • Actually, you are right on the money too. When I eat excessive carbs it is always from 'crappy' carbs with 'sugars'. I think increasing protein and lowering carbs will be a good move for me. I still haven't changed my macros form a 40carb/30/30 to a 40protein/30/30 just yet. not sure it's a good move for me especially if…
  • Thank you all for that, I'll take it all into consideration! :smiley: I'm assuming most people are doing a 40-30-30 split (40 carb), and seeing results?? Marilyn
  • I sure hope so! I will watch my carb intake now that I'm just starting off (1 month in) and I'm still creating my eating habits. I'd rather suffer now for a few days until I get the rhythm of it all, then waist time and wonder what I can do to improve... I also noticed that I was actually fatigued at the gym both last…
  • I think you may be onto something. I'm looking through my food logs and I am definitely NOT having a 'good ratio of macros in ever meal/snack'. I am eating mainly carbs and at the end of the day I'm over my carbs by about 50-100grams... That's a lot! :o You're right. I must start putting more emphasis on protein and fat…
  • Hello Jenny, Thanks for that! Yup- I will stay at moderate active level :) Here is the link I read this on: If you scroll down to the very bottom you'll see the blurb I posted earlier... I'm not going to lie, it did bring doubt to my calculations, but I haven't really changed my…
  • Thank you all for your support! It really does assist in this long term journey! Hurray to eating more and weighing less!! Marilyn
  • Hello, @ heybales.... I'm actually eating at TDEE-20% most of the time....I didn't do a reset really, just went straight to my cut value.... I try to stick around 2000 on days when I don't lift and 2300 when I do... (But a few times have been up to 3000...yikes! )... I'm excited to see what this second month will bring..…
  • Thank you all for your feedback. I'll give it a couple more weeks trying to eat around -20%.... By the 15th I'll be em2wl for 1 month. I plan to weigh myself and take measurements to see if anything has changed- and then adjust calories accordingly. On the plus side, I saw my sister a few days ago (hadn't seen her in a…
  • Yeah I posted another thread when I started EM2LW, and because I weight 240 and have about 80 lbs to lose, I was advised to do -20% to start until a big chunk of weight/fat is lost first and then go to -15%. I chose moderate activity level.....I work from home Mon-Thursday ...have no children so pretty sedentary at…
  • Hello, Yes! You're right! I've increased weight amount by 5-10lbs on free-weights and other weight machines. I also think you're right with regards to the repair process- I'm no longer aching everywhere after lifting, and can go back to lift the next day. I'm going to try to keep an eye on the intake though, 3000 is a bit…