

  • Thank you TimothyFish ... I agree with you because in 59-days, I have shed about 15lbs - IMO, mostly body fat. I also think that I was able to preserve (for lack of a better word) LBM because of two tell-tale signs: 1.) my shirts are getting tighter in the upper torso area incl arms, and 2.) my pant waist is getting very…
  • Thanks for the reply. However, just a tad bit confused still ... Conventional wisdom tells me that if I calculate my TDEE based off of my target-goal weight, it would be the same as calculating my TDEE off my present weight and reducing the total number of calories (deficit) by a "big" percentage??
  • OP ... your question is kinda vague. I didn't read anywhere what your goals were/are. Depending on the goals, the menu for a 'daily' regimen can differ from one person to another. For myself, I am on a calorie-deficit menu, with a macronutrient percentage breakdown of 55/25/20 (Protein/Fat/Carb). Here is an example of a…