courtokinesis Member


  • this is my problem, too - i feel fine, and then i get home & i'm ravaged. I only want cookies, chips, candy. Hot tea helps me - and remembering that when i want those bad things, i'm not really hungry. it's mostly routine.
  • I'm 5'4, weight 180 and wear a 12 or 14. I'm pretty oddly shaped so I'm hoping to lose a lot of weight in my chest - it's fairly disproportionate in a painful way. My back hurts a lot, and exercising (let alone just finding a shirt to wear for the day) is hard. XLs are too big for my waist and larges are waaaay too tight.…
  • I'm in the same boat, Tawnya! My mind seems to always drift to health and wellness but I never follow through with my intentions. It's finally time for me to invest in myself and my wellness and be the best version of myself I can be, and that goes for you too :)
  • I'm Courtney and I'd like to be part of this challenge :blush:
  • How'd it go, kmccann357?
  • Hi Amy. I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be proposed to in 2015 (we went ring shopping after 8 years of dating) :) - so I have a similar end goal in mind, layered with general fitness hopes. Welcome & good luck!