Daisies86 Member


  • I'm currently at a gym that takes 10min to drive to, 30 mins home (peak time traffic). It's further than I have travelled before but it's a woman only, small class, weights only gym. It's more expensive but i am learning so much and, for instance, this morning, it was me and one other there so it was like a personal…
  • I have an open diary, been logging for nearly a year with a break over Xmas. Cook from scratch mostly and am based in Ireland
  • One thing I did last week that really helped with dinner prep times was, at the start of the week chop up lots of different veggies and keep them in lunch boxes (or bags) in the fridge. Then when I come home in the evening I just pop the bag or box on my scale, zero it and take our what I need. Stirfry, curry, steamed,…
  • Thanks. I know she's just worried about me (she worries about EVERYTHING) and I don't want to new sharp with her as she would take it to heart and could get upset. I know I am healthy and I know I am eating enough, I just want to reassure her without upsetting her
  • I work out at 6:30 three days a week. My main motivation is to have my evenings free to spend with friends or chill out after WOR. I tend to just jump out of bed, put on my friend work out clothes and go to the gym. I prep my meals the night before and get home for a quick shower and coffee before work. I do small group…
  • Not buying the crisps (chips) and things that I cannot stop eating. I will only buy them if I really want them and the fact that I would have to walk to the shop makes me really consider if I want them. Tracking and weighing my food has just made me more aware of the calories, when you compare how many calories are in a…
  • Looks delish. I have just cooked up a big pot of butternut squash and sweet potato curry that I am going to portion out and freeze some!
  • I rarely weigh myself anymore. Firstly I don't have a scales where I currently live and would only weigh myself when I go home, which is about once every 2 months. But the last 2 times I have been home I've felt bloated from a cheat day and decided I didn't want to see an increase on the scales. I go based on my clothes…
  • Eggs, Fage greek yogurt, turkey mince, oats and nut butters of every type. Oh and dark chocolate for my evening chocolate cravings
  • I'm the same age, also from Ireland and have lost close to 15lbs since July. Add me and we can help each other out