jedwards213 Member


  • Thank you all! I appreciate everyone's input. There's a lot of things I need to keep in perspective. For one, we had been going heavy for the previous several days. Two, I still came within +90% of 1RM. And three, I haven't been injured (knock on wood) in over 2 years. Gains are still happening, slowly, but measurable.
  • Goals for 2015: 1) Continue the weight loss with an additional 5kg within 4-6 months. Seems like a long time, but I'm down 10kg for 2014. These last few could be painful. 2) Continue with the strength training as prescribed. 3) Do an Oly competition in the 94kg class (hence the 5kg goal above). 4) Finally, continue to stay…
  • Weight loss and prepping for an Oly meet this weekend! Well since I started using MyFitnessPal to hold myself accountable, I've been able to drop close to 14#. My goal was 5kg for the month of October, so that's a pretty good place to be right now. Meanwhile, our gym is holding it's first annual Olympic weightlifting meet.…
  • Keep pushing Bostonwolf!
  • Thank you for sharing Kelly! I feel we shared the same experience in 14.2 as I too had a total mental breakdown from the disappointment in myself. Luckily 14.3 was designed for people like you and I, strong lifters. Unfortunately, I was already checked out of the Open completely by then - my mistake #2. Ya know, if you're…
  • Random question for the group: Who has done the Open workouts in previous years? How did you do? Or, how do you feel you did given the workouts, scaling if there was any, etc.? In 2012, my first year in CrossFit, I was able to submit scores for the first 3 workouts. I couldn't submit the last two due to scaling or…
  • Thanks for sharing TXBourbon and keep challenging yourself!
  • A really good article posted by Dr. James Hoffman via Juggernaut Training about common mistakes for CrossFit beginners. Although it wasn't geared towards the masters community, I feel a lot of what he says should resonate well with a lot us at that 40+ age group. Great quote from the write up: "Remember, don’t get too…
  • Same here. I'm always with the last few to finish or finish within time. I've tried to get away from that thought process though. I push myself to finish the WOD given the time cap and if I don't, at least know that I pushed myself the hardest I could for that day. I may be delusional but I have to believe that most of…
  • No need to explain to this group. It's the non-CrossFitters who can't figure it out. Good job!
  • 30% improvement! Huge!!!
  • Those are some serious numbers! All in one day?!?! That's amazing!
  • Who doesn’t love a good nap! I’ve also had to take some anti-inflammatory either for my knees (5k WOD) or my lower back (heavy DLs). In fact, my knees are a long-term concern of mine, but hopefully all of this mobility work will delay any joint concerns as long as possible. Thanks for sharing BostonWolf!
  • Patience. It took me a year to squeeze out 10# increase in the press. It's got to be the most unforgiving movement out there.
  • The WOD at our box was the following and it....was....brutal! Complete as many reps as possible in 22 minutes of: 30 Snatch (75/45lb) 50 Wall Balls (20lb to 9′ target) 40 Double-unders 30 Box Jumps (24/20″) 30 Snatch (135/75lb) 50 Wall Balls (20lb to 9′ target) 40 Double-unders 30 Box Jumps (24/20″) 30 Snatch (165/100lb)…
  • How about supplements? Anyone taking supps for joint & mobility? I've been using Animal Flex for a couple years now and although it may not seem active while on it, it is VERY apparent when I am not. The knees get a lot more sore at night. Sometimes the shoulders get tender. Although a good roll out of the lats always…
  • If anyone's interested, Ron Gellis out of Southern California started this up ( The only problem I have is that it specifically caters to the "elite" masters athlete. Which makes it a spectator sport for me. This is another group site set up for the CF masters community. No…
  • Everything Wronkletoad says! Hang in there. We all go through plateaus and flat spots but those are the times you need to reassess your goals. It sounds like the injury is what's holding you back. If it hasn't progressed then go get it rehabbed. Don't make the mistake of trying fight through an injury. It never works and…
  • Those are some amazing numbers! 3 plates on the deadlift?! I'll be that felt amazing at the top! Congratulations on the PR and good luck with your first powerlifting comp!!!
  • It's an absolute shame Masters don't get the respect they deserve, especially if you consider everyone's going to be a "master" at some point. I've done 3 Masters-only competitions and I am blown away at the ability of some of these people.
  • I hear ya on the pull-ups. Having started CF so heavy, just the shear weight of my own body was enough to make P/Us next to impossible without a band (or 2). I've finally gotten around to being able to do C2Bs but I'm only able to string 3-5 at a time. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to get any easier. I have a…
  • It's going to sound counter intuitive but the best advice I ever got from our coach was "slow down". Most of the time, we're trying so hard to whip the rope/cable around so fast that our feet can't keep up. Next time you get a chance, watch someone who's proficient at DU's (like someone who can do 90 unbroken). Notice the…