suzynam Member


  • for breakfast i'll often have yogurt with fruit and some nuts, or oatmeal. that's less than 200 calories and feels pretty satisfying to me. lunches vary but often involve lots of legumes and vegetables in one form or another (such as curried chickpeas with cauliflower, or black bean stew). sometimes i'll have a quinoa…
  • your BMR might be off, too. most people in normal jobs are considered sedentary. but if you're, say, only walking 1,000 steps per day, your BMR might be even lower. also, this article about the myth of the 3,500 calorie pound was quite interesting: there are a…
  • Yes! I think being an experienced home cook makes it easier. I know how to create flavorful, satisfying meals without tons of calories. I'm open to trying new ingredients and my family is, too, because they are used to eating new things with me. I do a lot with veggies, legumes, fresh herbs lately (thank you ottolenghi).…
  • you don't need the sugar. i bake bread all the time, sugar is not necessary. yeast does fine without it. you might need a slightly longer rising time. but you can't use self-rising flour. bread flour works for pizza dough, as does all purpose or plain.
  • For many women it's really hard to lose while breastfeeding, so don't get discouraged if it is for you, too.
  • Same as kwjager ! I didn't lose any weight till my twins were about 2. It's really hard to lose weight while nursing, for some women. I hated being fat but wouldn't change a thing. Wish I had something more constructive to add.
  • i can't snack on nuts because i don't find 5 almonds all that filling. :smile: i find a protein bar (pure protein or quest) and a cup of coffee does a great job killing afternoon hunger. protein really does seem to help cut down on hunger so if you can find ways to make high protein snacks, at least at times when you are…
  • yes it's a factor. one reason -- we lose muscle mass as we age so even if we weigh the same, we're fatter percentage wise. it's also increasingly harder to build muscle and you burn slightly less because of that. hunger hormones (which we still don't know tons about) seem to be more entrenched, too, so you need more "will…
  • Hmmm... I read it a lot but there is no peer reviewed data to support the idea that eating a lot of protein will preserve muscle mass while dieting. I think you have to accept that there will be some muscle loss if you are running a calorie deficit. Are you maintaining or building strength? My guess, based on nothing,…
  • low carb/high protein helps mostly because it reduces hunger and allows you to eat fewer calories without feeling miserable or being likelier to cheat. it also *might* help preserve muscle while losing weight, tho that is not proven. so, if you are having trouble sticking to a low calorie diet, try upping the protein and…
  • My first couple of months cutting out extra carbs (not "clean" per se but very few grains, no added sugar, etc.) and doing circuits/weight training I did see a big difference. Only a few pubs on the scale but more than a size smaller. Plus I felt so much better about myself. I'm not a believer that you can dramatically…
  • i can't keep junk in the house! if i really want something i will go out and get it. and since i have small children, and they have candy/cake/cookie radar and zero self control, i try not to keep that stuff in the house. i guess it depends on what your eating philosophy is. personally, i would rather not eat…
  • there is plenty of data to support the fact that hypnosis can be effective as a supplement to other diet/lifestyle changes. i am a very evidence-based decision maker and did try it last year. i found it very helpful, tho the woman i went to was very clinical and, imo, a very good therapist. we talked about the strategies…