Being a "foodie" and losing weight



  • frannyupnorth
    frannyupnorth Posts: 56 Member
    edited January 2016
    Check out the Hairy Bikers they both changed to healthier diets and lost weight and in fact made a series around it, coming up with healthier versions of UK favourites.
  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I like this but 'one bite' of the best creme brulee ever? Not happening. Are those people for real?

    You can always save the rest for later.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I love to cook and eat as well! So, I basically still eat the food that I enjoy, just less of it. I agree with snob eating...only the best!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I like this but 'one bite' of the best creme brulee ever? Not happening. Are those people for real?
    Some are. Giada De Laurentiis says she 'tastes everything and eats nothing', or something to that effect.

    I personally am happy with a bite of dessert but I'm not a dessert nut. A few perfect fries would be hard for me.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Basically, what everyone else said :)
    For me it's much easier to be conscious of how many calories I'm eating, when I'm the one who cooked it. I know exactly what's in there and I can control it. Unlike going into a restaurant where everything is overly saturated in butter and salt.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    I agree with everyone here and someone may have already piped in with this, but I'll add that I think being a foodie makes it easier! You already love to cook and try new things- so now you turn the focus on healthier recipes and making healthy more fun (ie: making vegan cheese or trying different baked veggie chips). I think being comfortable in the kitchen and open to different foods and cooking styles is a huge advantage compared to someone who eats out a lot or prefers simpler foods. Enjoy that "snob eating" and don't let some "weight loss coach" discourage you.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Light cooking can be absolutely amazing too. Full fat dairy and butter are not the only things that make food great. We, as food lovers, have the benefit of a lot of knowledge and curiosity!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited January 2016
    Actually being a foodie and a good cook will help you lose weight. Why? Because you have enough knowledge to create lower calorie meals that are amazing and have enough "foodie-ness" to be satisfied by a meal that tastes fantastic, regardless of calories. I'm not a foodie per se nor a good cook, but I'm someone who doesn't mind experimenting. I discovered dulce de leche flavored "oatmeal brulee" lately and it feels like a 1000 calorie delicacy when it's actually sub 300.

    @amusedmonkey I'm intrigued. Recipe?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Actually being a foodie and a good cook will help you lose weight. Why? Because you have enough knowledge to create lower calorie meals that are amazing and have enough "foodie-ness" to be satisfied by a meal that tastes fantastic, regardless of calories. I'm not a foodie per se nor a good cook, but I'm someone who doesn't mind experimenting. I discovered dulce de leche flavored "oatmeal brulee" lately and it feels like a 1000 calorie delicacy when it's actually sub 300.

    100% agreed there.
  • megbugs
    megbugs Posts: 107 Member
    I agree with everyone on here! I love ina garten and food network and cooking in general and adapt everything to fit my calorie ranges on here. I also like to pre log my meals when I'm doing my shopping list and meal plan and it becomes like a jigsaw puzzle to figure out what to eat which days. This week I've made breakfast quiche, turkey and lentil soup with homemade turkey broth, shepherd's pie, shish kabobs and tahini sauce, al pastor tacos, and this weekend I'm making homemade gnocchi. I eat 1400-1500 calories a day and am losing weight. It's doable and a great hobby! I find recipes in a variety of websites from bon appetite, food & wine mag, cooking light and blogs like skinnytaste, skinnymom, gimme some oven, eating well, nom nom paleo, etc. Good luck!!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Actually being a foodie and a good cook will help you lose weight. Why? Because you have enough knowledge to create lower calorie meals that are amazing and have enough "foodie-ness" to be satisfied by a meal that tastes fantastic, regardless of calories. I'm not a foodie per se nor a good cook, but I'm someone who doesn't mind experimenting. I discovered dulce de leche flavored "oatmeal brulee" lately and it feels like a 1000 calorie delicacy when it's actually sub 300.

    @amusedmonkey I'm intrigued. Recipe?

    A tablespoon of dulce de leche is about 60 calories, a tablespoon of sugar is about 50, a cup of 1% milk is 100 calories, and 1/3 cup of oats is 150. Total 360. If you want to go lower, make mock dulce de leche from fat free sweetened condensed milk (by slow boiling it in the sealed can after removing the label for 3-4 hours - lasts well in the fridge), use skim milk or water for cooking and use a narrower container to serve to be able to use half the amount of sugar needed to caramelize.

    I make my oats as usual, with milk reserving about 2-3 tablespoons of the milk. Remove about 1/3 of the oats and put aside, mix in about 2/3 of the dulce de leche with the 2/3 of the oats and until it dissolves completely. Layer the dulce de leche oats first, then mix the reserved heated milk with the remaining dulce de leche to form a light sauce that can be poured and spread on top. I then add the plain oats and smooth the top. If still hot I wait a bit until it forms a membrane to prevent sugar from melting. I then sprinkle brown sugar on top and torch it.

    Alternatively I sometimes lightly sweeten the oats with an artificial sweetener and use the whole tablespoon of dulce de leche (mixed with hot milk to make pourable and spreadable) as a middle layer.

    Breaking the sugar is so satisfying! That alone is worth the prep. It sweetens the plain oats, then you dig into the lower layer of happiness.

  • mnshanbhag
    mnshanbhag Posts: 199 Member
    Same problem here, also I love eating out + vino.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Your coach is wrong. This was my husband's greatest fear- that 'eating healthy' would mean no longer eating delicious foods. I've been going out of my way (somewhat insanely) to prove to him that we can eat delicious, wonderful tasty food EVERY DAY and still meet our dietary requirements. I learned to switch out ingredients to make our favorite foods healthier and still tasty (non-fat yogurt whole wheat waffles every Saturday morning!).

    As a foodie, take this a fabulous challenge! Look at recipes and see how you can alter them to make them healthier (and in some cases, tastier!). The only food I've given up that I really miss is fabulous cheeses, but that's only because I can't trust myself not to eat a quarter wedge of brie in one sitting.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I was that sort of foodie too... homemade bone broths, jams, pies, etc etc etc. And it was for my family.
    Both opposing opinions are right. In some ways, sure you can. And in others, sorry but you can't.
    Of course you can change your recipes & control yourself around the food. Doh!
    For me it was the time involved. Too much time in the kitchen doing things for others. I needed to put myself higher on my list. I spend more time walking, hiking and at the gym. That time had to come from somewhere. 'Somewhere' for me was time previously spent food shopping, prepping, cooking and cleaning the kitchen like a restaurant...
    So now I shop less and cook simpler meals. There are no little extras like homemade cookies and scones and jams lurking in my cupboards. When a recipe calls for stock I open a box. I only make bone broth now & again for a friend with cancer, not weekly like I used to.
    Sorry. We only get one life. I want to spend mine thinner & fitter.
    My salads are gorgeous. I take dark chocolate dipped fruit to potlucks. When Facebook kicks up an old picture of some fabulous & involved homemade whatsit I made I smile & shake my head. I'm not that person any more...
  • mariak16
    mariak16 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a total foodie and I've successfully lost and kept off 50 pounds. There are tons of healthy food blogs out there when you need some inspiration or need help tweaking a recipe. My family eats very good food, rarely eats the same meal twice in a month, and we eat healthy and clean. Healthy food is delicious when it's prepared right and since you enjoy cooking I have no doubt you can cook delicious, healthy meals and lose weight. If you're making something more decadent for dinner serve it with a huge side of veggies. Good food doesn't have to be off limits, you just have to keep your portions under control. It also helps me to freeze everything. If it's on the counter I will eat it because I don't like food going bad. So when I make bread I slice it and then freeze it and we'll take out however many slices we need at a time. Same with bagels. We love homemade bagels so I'll make a batch and freeze them so I don't feel the need to have one every day. Most desserts freeze great too. On the rare occasion I made dessert I'll freeze the leftovers in individual portion sizes. Then when my kids want a treat it's there and I don't have to make an entire cake or a whole batch of cookies.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I love this thread and am so happy to say that your weight loss coach is wrong.

    I am losing weight. I eat good cheese and will NEVER turn down a well-made and delicious creme brulee, I just make sure they fit into my calorie allotment. I may be dieting, but I am not dead.
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    My household is foodie. My husband has graduated from culinary school and bakery school - I am the cook at home more than him. He works as the baker for a local college and in a restaurant. He has not lost weight but I have lost 90 lbs since April 21st!
  • suzynam
    suzynam Posts: 14 Member
    Yes! I think being an experienced home cook makes it easier. I know how to create flavorful, satisfying meals without tons of calories. I'm open to trying new ingredients and my family is, too, because they are used to eating new things with me. I do a lot with veggies, legumes, fresh herbs lately (thank you ottolenghi). It's hard to eat out but that's true whether you're a "foodie" or not.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I've started to enjoy food and gained a lot of confidence after I joined MFP and truly realised that weight is determined only by how much I eat. So, I can eat anything as long as I watch my portions -> but what I eat will influence how easy it will be to stick to my allotted calories -> this forces me to prioritize -> I learn to choose quality over quantity -> I learn to not fear fat -> I learn to cook real food -> I enjoy cooking -> I love healthy food.
  • courtneylykins5
    courtneylykins5 Posts: 168 Member
    I am wondering if your coach is trying to sell you their eating plan for weight loss.

    One thing I have learned here is that you can cook and eat any darn way you like, at any time of day. It's the calories that matter.

    For me when I indulge my foodie side, the challenge is lightening up those rich dishes. Reduce the amount of butter and cheese. Find out if stock works as well as cream. Tweaks and changes. This keeps my favorite hobby fun and fresh for me. I'm sure you will pick up your own kitchen tricks for weight loss in due time.