asl85 Member


  • I do the same as veeedot. Also when I'm ordering at a restaurant I try to think of what I would be eating if I were at home for that meal and do the best I can to match it in both quantity and quality. That includes asking for sauce on the side, grilled not fried, etc.
  • Monday through Thursday my husband and I are awoken by our 6 month old around 5 AM (oy). We take turns getting ourselves ready for work while the other takes care of him. He sets up my pumping parts for work while I nurse (<3). I sometimes throw some dinner in the slow cooker. I drop off the little guy at daycare then go…
  • I kind of plan meals. On the weekend I buy and prepare food for the week which includes baby's food, my breakfast, lunch and snacks, and 3 dinners for hubby and I. I usually freeze meals to put in the slow cooker for nights that I know he will be home for dinner. This week I have 3 meals ready to go: slow cooker take on…
    in Meal plan Comment by asl85 October 2015
  • It's ok to have an off day or even week. That might be your body telling you to slow down and take care of yourself. When I feel unmotivated I will force myself to go to the gym or for a jog or whatever and usually I start to get motivated once I'm dressed and ready to go. If not I take it as a cue that I probably just…
  • Hi! I'm almost 6 months post partum. Have lost 15-20 lbs and want to lose another 20 lbs. Mostly breastfeeding plus giving him solids and some formula on occasion. Would love mom friends, especially who nurse and/or work
  • I had my first baby in April. Trying to lose 20-25 lbs. I'm not putting a time goal on it because I have found that in the past I've been more successful when I lose weight gradually. would love to check in! Add me if interested
  • amazing that you have already lost 40! I think just keep doing what you're doing since it's been working so far. I have heard both that it's harder and easier to lose the weight once you stop nursing. Who knows what I will experience when I wean-- planning to start in the next two months. I have the same worry but I'm…