sburk64 Member


  • Hi All! New to posting and starting over again on MFP. Hoping this will help me stay on track this time. Sandy- Northwest Connecticut Sept. Goals 1. Log everything that lands in the mouth. Measure not guess! 2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day 3. Stick to early morning cardio workout 4. Strength train 4 times a week 5. Take…
  • 1.Chocolate mini rice cakes 7 -60 calories 2. apple w/ peanut butter 3. snyders snap pretzels w/ hummus 4. cheddar mini rice cakes 5. sugar free jello I also love smoked almonds and veggie chips!
  • 1/2 to 1 cup egg beaters with a 1/2 cup of veggies and 1 apple chicken sausage = from 136 to 186 and keeps me full longer. I mix ahead on a Sunday all my veggies and saute them in 2 tbsp of olive oil so I have them for the week.