

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Alison! Oh, dang autocorrect!! I should know better than to post before my first cup of coffee! :smiley:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Thank you Barbiecat for your consistently starting us off, and for your kind welcome back.

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who wants to feel good NOW.

    Just for now: listen 5 seconds after speaker stops
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise!
    September: walk at least one more step each day til daily average is 10K.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you Barbie for continuing the thread.

    Penny prayers that your mother continues to heal. Kudos on reaching your 100 km. jogging goal.

    Katla love that it can be a small thing that makes your day fun. It is such a wonderful spirit of gratitude.

    I am going to add to my goals to look for things that add fun to my day even if it sitting and petting my neighbor's dog.
    I am also going to find something I find beautiful and spend at least five minutes a day soaking in its splendor.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • dgiddens2001
    dgiddens2001 Posts: 23 Member
    Today is the 1st day of the 60 Day Challenge at the gym I go to. Hoping to lose 10 pounds this month, but to gain strength. Will be leaving on Friday for a weeks vacation, but pln on walking everyday and trying to main tain what I learn in "bootcamp".
  • densanchez18
    densanchez18 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm turning 50 this December. This is great timing. I just started really looking at my intentions last week. I have been in a slump the past year, gained 20lbs, let my yucky internal talk get to me. Had a good week last week and off to a great start again this week.

    **Workouts** 3 days/weight, 3 days/cardio, 2 days/yoga or stretch for min. 30 min
    **Nutrition**Tracking daily, 64oz H2O minimum daily, homemade food 90% (gotta eat out once in a while or have a couple of beers on the weekend)
    **Personal**20 min/day reading or listening to uplifting audio

    I live in a suburb of Denver, CO. Exited to have fun with you all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) I am sitting here eating my breakfast (minus the high calorie walnuts that I left out because I know my exercise will be very low today) and smiling as I see each of your posts and thinking "Oh, good, she's posting again". Sitting, my hip feels fine but it didn't feel so fine when I took each dog for a very short walk to "do business" when I got up. I want to walk them again because we all love to walk, but I think it may not be a good idea. So the longer I sit with all of you, the longer I can maintain the hope that I'll feel like walking when I get up.

    :)Sharon, wearing smaller pants is a far greater victory than anything the scale says.

    <3Joyce,sending hugs to you and Charlie and sending the advice I got from a friend at a very dark time in my life stay in the moment--write a gratitude list

    :)Trish,Welcome, I hope you come back often and become part of our supportive community.

    :)Rori, MIchele, and Carol, how great to see your happy faces in the photo.

    :) I am taking my own advice. I wrote in my gratitude journal this morning and made note of my loved ones and the chiropractor who will help me return to my active self and am staying in the moment and not wallowing in fears of what the future will bring if I can't walk the dogs this morning.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful drizzly NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    She showed me some good warmup exercises to increase my flexibility, demonstrated barbell squats, dead lifts and bench press (for the Stronglifts) and several alternative exercises to help me build up my strength and technique (barbell lunges, goblet squats, various things with dumbbells, some rowing exercises for my shoulders, and much more). I'll have to sit down and try to write it all out before I forget it. At the end of the session she told me I was one fit lady. :)

    I'll probably be working with her again from time to time.

    Yeah! I love doing Stronglifts 5x5. It sounds like you have a very good PT that knows how to lift! If you need any advice message me.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Barbie - Thanks for getting us started again, and for everything you do. I hope you are able to get relief for your hip pain quickly.

    Today is the first day back to school for DS. He is officially a Sophomore. Most of his classes should be fine. But if he struggles in Trig/calc he will probably need to meet with a tutor. And I can't imagine how he will get through German 4, but I'm glad he is still trying. I suppose I better start saving up for his trip to Germany that he could earn with good enough grades in the class.

    Vicki – Nice NSV and climb. You deserve to be proud.

    Cheri – I understand (about the unhealthy meals and DH).

    Hugs and Prayers and Hugs and Prayers and Hugs ! ! ! You are allowed to be mad. I hope you are able to work through these steps of the grieving process quickly.

    Sharon – congrats on your butt looking so good in the jeans, and repeatedly sending them back for a smaller size. Yay !

    Beth and Allison – You are crack-ups. Thanks for the laugh. Auto-correct is either too funny or obscene. Glad I could laugh already this morning.

    DS took a little longer in the shower this morning than I was hoping, but we were able to make-up that time somehow, and I got to work in time to spend 20 minutes on the recumbent bike. I now wake-up at either 3:30 or 4:30am, depending on what time I start work. My right wrist is getting worse instead of better, so I will probably use the recumbent again during lunch. And I think I am going to stand my ground and take DS somewhere to get a haircut (he is definitely going to need that ponytail binder soon).

    Sunday's workout was a little too tough for DH, which looked painfully obvious last night, when he could barely stand up out of his chair, and I heard him take pain meds before going to bed. Poor thing. I hope I can get him to go again next weekend, so this continues to get slightly easier for him every time. What I suggested last night at supper and he looked at me confused, is to put back 1 buttermilk biscuit in exchange for a little fruit or vegetable, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

    I made 12 Brussels sprouts, ate 1 breast, and skipped everything else (from KFC). A few nights ago when I woke-up hungry, I crushed 1 handful of frosted flakes into my container of yogurt, then put everything back where it belonged, so I would have to work hard to have seconds, and I was too tired to have seconds. Thanks to everyone in supporting me to make this change. I liked it ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Happy September, ladies and thank you Barbie for moving us along. You are wonderful!

    Michele NC, about getting Vince to write down passwords, etc, I think we have to take the Bull by the Horns. You know we can’t rely on “them” to do things like that. You need to write down all the sites that you want the passwords for and when he is at the computer, sit down and start asking as you write down the answers. That is likely the only way you will get it done. I’m glad your back is better!

    Michelle, thanks for the info. I’m sure you will be down another pant size by the end of the year. You have done great so far, so just keep it up.

    MNMargaret, so glad you are working to take care of yourself in the face of stress. That is so important. Good work on concentrating on staying healthy. (later) I like your added goals. Great ideas.

    Janetr, I find that the compression stockings are always hard to get on but agree that you need to wear them when traveling.

    Penny, it looks like you did pretty well with your goals, especially considering your travels. It is just so hard to stay on track when we are away from home and different things going on. I know you can conquer the logging so imagine me sitting on your shoulder telling you to get to MFP and just do it. One of these days I’m gonna have to Google a kg to see just how that compares to pounds. confused.gif

    Sharon, Go girl, go on getting smaller jeans plus “lookin’ good” in them. Ain’t life grand?? You must be doing something right, so keep it up!!

    Allison, so sad for your friend. Parents should never have to bury their children.

    Trish, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in.

    Gloworm, so how did the bruise turn out???? Inquiring Minds, ya know! I’m glad you didn’t hurt yourself any worse and were able to get up. Take care of yourself.

    Penny, congrats on a very successful session with the PT. Aren’t ya glad to know you are one fit lady? showoff.gif

    Beth, sorry you gained but this is a new month. I can’t say I heard a lot of commitment in your goals for September? You know it’s not always fun but it is worth it. I’m rooting for you, so get it in gear and lets go. (((Hugs)))

    Densanchez, welcome. You will find great support here. Your goals look great and doable. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called. Come often and join right in.

    , I know your day isn’t complete without walking your dogs but sometimes we just have to have an incomplete day. I agree that your normal long walk may not be what you need right now so I trust that you will come up with Plan B. You know we can’t have you out of commission, so you must take care of yourself. We love you.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I don’t log it until I see it twice on the scale, but this morning I was down another pound. I’m excited. I think I mentioned before that getting below 170 lbs is almost as exciting to me as getting below 200 was. Ladies, my weight loss started out so fast and easy but came to an abrupt halt after about 3 months. Since then it has been ever so slow, but I have kept losing. We just have to keep doing what we know is right because this works. I think the main thing is that we can’t lie to ourselves and expect results. If we go for months without losing anything, then we need to relook at what we eat and drink. Maybe go back to weighing and measuring? Change the calorie intake? Something. I want all of us to be successful. I can’t imagine how wonderful it will be to reach my goal and even it is a spot to re-evaluate to see if I need to lose more. This is the one thing in our lives that we can do for ourselves and no one can take away from us. May we all keep up the good work or start doing good work. We have to fight for what we want! boxer.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thank you for the new thread! I love your new goals for the month. I've been staying with goals that work for me, but you have me wondering whether changing it up has value I've been overlooking. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: DH also wears compression socks and they do good things for his circulation. I'm glad they're working to help you, too. I wouldn't recommend trying to manage the communication between Bryan and Denise. It seems to be one thing that is connecting Bryan to his family. Asking her to encourage him to talk to his dad or you IS a good idea. I keep hoping this situation will get better for all of your sakes but sometimes time is needed. :broken_heart::heart: DH is diabetic and likes his sugar in the form of beer. :laugh: He is not a cake eater, but loves pumpkin pie. The best summertime desserts for him are fruits like cantaloupe and watermelon. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle in Camas WA: Welcome! I live on the Oregon side of the Columbia River, about 20 miles down river from Portland. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I love your wisdom! Your advice to Joyce is perfect. We all need to walk away to breathe and center ourselves from time to time. I'm glad to hear that your August goals were so helpful that you're making them your September goals. :bigsmile:

    Mary from MN: What foods qualify as power foods? Can you list a few? :huh:

    Penny at the Pole: Your Strong lift goal reminds me that I need to talk to the trainer at the gym about lifting. I need to give her a call and make an appointment! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope you enjoy yoga. :flowerforyou:

    Trish from NZ: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    densanchez18: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I am so sorry you are hurting. I hope you follow your plan to rest enough to heal. You are often an Energizer Bunny. Being less active must be a real challenge. :heart:

    We got the fishing boat out of the water and into the storage unit yesterday, and then our neighbor stopped by and invited DH to go salmon fishing this morning. Yay!. I am happy for DH and hope he has a good time. He plugged in our old freezer that is STILL sitting in the garage after all these months, and wants to put fish in it. That is optimism for you! In truth, he expects to buy fish to keep there and also to smoke.

    Plans for our visit to DD are back up in the air. DH says he'll go along for a visit to see the grandkids and stay in a hotel. He is thinking of spending three days there. I like that for so many reasons. He needs to make an effort to stay involved with his grandchildren, too.

    I need to take the dog to the groomer this morning, and then go to Zumba/Spin wih our neighbor. I'm looking forward to it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbara in SW Idaho- where? I lived in Melba Idaho, pop 197, for 13 years from 1980-93. It is such pretty country, although the Owyhees have been burned up! And up north!

    Joyce, you have my thoughts and prayers. {{{Hugs}}}

    Sharon, yah for the loss!

    Love you all!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's a beautiful sun shining morning and I'm sitting at the breakfast table watching several hummingbirds buzzing around the flowers outside the window. I went to walk with my friend this morning after taking the kids to school, and that went well. My tummy is still a little sore after the bout of diverticulitis, but not too bad. It just feels like I got kicked in the stomach. But no sharp pain or nausea. Heck, if Pip can do all that with a broken shoulder the least I can do is walk a few miles with a sore tummy.

    Yesterday afternoon my son told me that my oldest DGD is having trouble with some boys at school who pick on her. I have noticed that she seems very quiet and sad when I take her to school, but she told me nothing was wrong. I talked to her about it and she said they sit behind her at lunch and laugh at her, call her names, and poke her in the neck with their fingers. And one boy "accidentally" pushed her down some steps and she hit a door jamb. She wasn't hurt, except for a bruise on her arm. They seem to have picked her to abuse because she is the shortest kid in the whole school. I looked online and couldn't find much advice to give her other than to tell someone what's going on. She didn't want to do that because she was afraid that would just make it worse. Well, I emailed the principal and told him what was going on. Early this morning I got a reply saying that he had talked to her about it and they have a plan to deal with it it a way that won't make it worse. I don't know what that means, but I know that if it doesn't stop there will be a grandma down there raising holy hell! Hubby wants to sign her up for karate lessons. That was his second choice, of course, but I told him he couldn't go down there and beat the stuffing out of those boys. (Very sweet, since he is such a pacifist. He doesn't even kill spiders, just takes them outside.). I'll be interested to see what she says tonight after school. I hope she's not mad at me for contacting the principal.

    It's time to get in the shower and get myself to the studio. Have a great day!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member

    Giving u the biggest hug u can muster up. I am so sad that I'm so far away, but so happy that u feel safe enough here to let your feelings out. When my husband was sick and I was watching him more I would give it right back to him and he wasn't being as mean to me as your husband sounds. One day we were going to see a movie and he was being a passenger driver. I finally told him, one more word I am pulling over and u r going to drive. Well, I pulled over and we sat there until he realized I was serious, he drove. His issue with his disease was fatigue and strength, so it took a lot out of him to drive and shift gears and turn the steering wheel. I was guilty but I got over it, and I didn't even had your issue of MS either. It was hard for him to talk about the what if's. At least we got2 important ones discussed, the bury or burn and resuscitate or not. The stuff that he has left, belongings, furniture, I still have and will still have to deal with and he died in 1995! I am with u in spirit. I am so sorry for your pain
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    Morning peeps-

    My shoulder has been hurting a bit extra these past couple of days so good thing I have that doc appointment today

    Glowirmin - I live in Tacoma, right across from the Tacoma mall and work in puyallup. Sometimes I ride from the gym to work, sometimes I ride to the Tacoma dome train station and take that.

    No goals, just keep on keepin on
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Dang - I accidentally posted on the August thread. Reposting here.

    Joyce… (((hugs))) You absolutely have the right to be angry. It is a completely natural reaction to all that you’ve been dealing with. Feel free to dump all your feelings here with this group. I’m praying for you and Charlie daily.

    Mia… Have you thought about selling some of your items on Craigslist? My hubby does that all the time – just sold our daughter’s old twin headboard and some patio furniture we had replaced. That might be a way to know that the items are going to someone who wants and will appreciate them.

    Sharon… Congrats on having to buy smaller jeans!

    Good to see all the familiar names posting again this month and welcome to all the newcomers. I pretty much tanked on my August goals, but I must have done something right because I’m down 6 lbs. And my NSV for the day is that the pants I am wearing are too big! My belt is the only thing keeping them up. Woo Hoo!

    September Goals…
    • Make healthier food choices and log every bite.
    • Increase my steps – average 8000 per day over the month.
    • Add strength training into my workouts
    • Water, water, water – increase non-caffeinated beverages to 8 glasses per day.


  • sburk64
    sburk64 Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi All!
    New to posting and starting over again on MFP. Hoping this will help me stay on track this time.
    Sandy- Northwest Connecticut

    Sept. Goals
    1. Log everything that lands in the mouth. Measure not guess!
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    3. Stick to early morning cardio workout
    4. Strength train 4 times a week
    5. Take deep breaths to relieve stress not food!
    6. Try at least one new low calorie/low carb recipe a week
    7. Go to bed earlier for 7 hours of sleep not 5.5.
    8. Wake up every day positive! I can do it!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Shopped for pants for work today because some of mine are thread bare. I can wear dark denim for work. I am happy to report that I found a pair that I really like at Ricki's. I took the biggest pair in and had to keep sending them back for a smaller pair. The scale has been moving very slowly for me for a long time now but maybe something else is happening. All I know is my butt looks good in these jeans.
    Wearing those good butt jeans to work
    -Sharon in windy Lethbridge

    Yeah! great NSV I am so happy for you!
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    I don’t log it until I see it twice on the scale, but this morning I was down another pound. I’m excited. I think I mentioned before that getting below 170 lbs is almost as exciting to me as getting below 200 was. Ladies, my weight loss started out so fast and easy but came to an abrupt halt after about 3 months. Since then it has been ever so slow, but I have kept losing. We just have to keep doing what we know is right because this works. I think the main thing is that we can’t lie to ourselves and expect results. If we go for months without losing anything, then we need to relook at what we eat and drink. Maybe go back to weighing and measuring? Change the calorie intake? Something. I want all of us to be successful. I can’t imagine how wonderful it will be to reach my goal and even it is a spot to re-evaluate to see if I need to lose more. This is the one thing in our lives that we can do for ourselves and no one can take away from us. May we all keep up the good work or start doing good work. We have to fight for what we want! boxer.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Congratulations! Thanks for the great advice and encouragement.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Mary from MN: What foods qualify as power foods? Can you list a few? :huh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    The power foods are- Lean meat, dairy, nuts, legumes, berries, fruit, vegetables, whole grain. You have to eat at least a serving from each of these. Then get the correct percentages of protein 25%, fat 25%, carbs 50% this is the percentage for muscle development and fat burning. For muscle development you should eat approximately 1 gram of protein for your weight. If you weigh 150 lbs that would be approximately 150 grams of protein. There is a more mathematical way to determine this but this is an easy general rule of thumb.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning! It's a beautiful sun shining morning and I'm sitting at the breakfast table watching several hummingbirds buzzing around the flowers outside the window. I went to walk with my friend this morning after taking the kids to school, and that went well. My tummy is still a little sore after the bout of diverticulitis, but not too bad. It just feels like I got kicked in the stomach. But no sharp pain or nausea. Heck, if Pip can do all that with a broken shoulder the least I can do is walk a few miles with a sore tummy.

    It's time to get in the shower and get myself to the studio. Have a great day!


    I am glad that your tummy is feeling better! I have to mention that I really miss your daily joke!

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Morning peeps-

    My shoulder has been hurting a bit extra these past couple of days so good thing I have that doc appointment today
    No goals, just keep on keepin on

    Let us know how your Dr appointment goes. I hope your shoulder feels better.
    I pretty much tanked on my August goals, but I must have done something right because I’m down 6 lbs. And my NSV for the day is that the pants I am wearing are too big! My belt is the only thing keeping them up. Woo Hoo!

    Congratulations on the 6 lb loss and the NSV! Keep up the good work!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    DJ Myrtle Beach, SC[ /b] -
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Even if you don’t get what you have in them, could you sell some of the things to someone who will appreciate them?

    Yup. That’s exactly it. I would give them away if I knew someone would appreciate them. Selling for whatever I can get means someone wanted an item enough to pay for it so they are not buying just to toss out.

    Linda/IA -
    Mia… Have you thought about selling some of your items on Craigslist? My hubby does that all the time – just sold our daughter’s old twin headboard and some patio furniture we had replaced. That might be a way to know that the items are going to someone who wants and will appreciate them.

    Great idea. I had forgotten about Craigslist.

    Mia in MI
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    A new month already. Time for review of the past month.

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day – Getting better, but not there yet
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training – This is pretty close to a habit. I think I can take this one off the list and still continue to meet it.
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise – Managed to add more aerobic exercise, but not a good consistent 1 hour per week. I think it might help if I change this to a daily goal.
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water – Got the iced tea overload part under control. I even went further and have managed to cut iced tea out completely for the past 2 weeks. Adding water so I make my 64oz fluid per day not so good.

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day – I need to keep this one on my list until it becomes second nature. This is vital to my ultimate success.
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home – No need to weigh and measure when I eat out, but I need to weigh and measure at home so I can estimate as accurately as possible when I am out.
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise – When I see how many steps some of you get in I’m embarrassed to post this one. Baby steps. We all have to start somewhere. This is my start.
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

    I can do this.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily