

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I would bet that Bruno is the one who disembowled Winnie the Pooh. But he and Spot like to tug on things, so Spot may have had a hand in it. I can see Molly sitting on her high throne watching and judging them crazy. When she was younger, SHE would be the one doing it. I buy toys cheap at garage sales just because of episodes like this. If they tear up a $15 toy I get annoyed. If they tear up a 50 cent toy I just think it's funny. I make sure to get the ones without hard button eyes and noses, so they are primarily baby toys. I also bought a child's rake that I use to clean up the mess. It's been super handy.

    Today I'm going to Joplin to have lunch with a friend, then run a couple of errands. Then be back here by 3:00 to get the kids from school.

    Have a great day!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-happy032.gif Joyce, happy anniversary..I'm sorry that it's happening at the hospital..I know you will make the best of it.

    smiley-happy032.gif DJ, I am happy to hear that you are back to line dancing. It takes time to get familiar with the steps. I tell my students to "keep coming back" and to make a commitment to come regularly for six to ten weeks before they conclude that they can't remember the steps. I also tell them to go home and practice one step (vine, shuffle, etc.) to music each week so they get step recognition which makes it easier to learn the dances.

    :)Alison, good idea about taking a day off from walking....I should have done that yesterday and I'm paying for it today with more pain.

    :'( janetr, that's lousy news about your eyes but I know you'll be faithful doing everything that the doctor suggests to keep it from getting worse.

    :)Anamika, good to see you again...congrats on reaching your running goal

    :)Gorman, welcome...it sounds like you have a good plan....check in with us every day and that will help you stay committed to your goals.

    :)Nikki, when you don't have a lot of weight to lose, the weight will come off slowly....do not be discouraged....keep at it one day a time

    :)Lillian, I envy you being able to have curling as part of your activity plan.

    :)Terri, your eating plan was great...no one has to be victimized by pizza and middle of the night snacking as long as they have a plan.

    :)Carey, how fortunate to find a campsite for the holiday weekend.

    :)Miriam, I love the mental image of the cat and the hummingbird

    smiley-happy032.gif Michele, I loved the picture of your bookshelf of exercise DVDs......I don't know how you can go to all those events where people bring food. I just eat ahead of time and bring something that Jake will eat. He has become less and less enthusiastic about eating at potlucks where he says there is nothing but "bad food"

    <3Pip, I am sending hugs to you and Kirby...for Kirby missing his marathon, for you being unable to do your precious bike ride for a long time and for the recuperation involved from your surgery. I'm glad that you'll be able to do your MS bike ride.

    smiley-happy032.gif Becca, I am so much more comfortable in sensible shoes and my regular clothes....it has been years since I wore a dress and fancy shoes....but you do look great in that outfit

    smiley-happy032.gif Katla, great idea to plan to go on your trip even if DH backs out. Jake and I are the opposite....he is going to Ohio in two weeks to see his oldest daughter and go to his nephew's wedding I'm going to stay home.

    :'( Jake says that he thinks I aggravated my hip injury by walking the dogs because they pull on me when we walk....so today after I walked them before dawn, he got up and said he'd walk them the rest of the day....I see the chiropractor at 8:30 and have texted my dance teacher that I won't be dancing today. Usually by now I have 12,000 steps...this morning I have 600.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Penny - thanks, that's what I'm hoping too. :)

    MNMargaret - just the vitamins, she said even tho you may eat all the green veges that are helpful some people's body just don't convert them properly into the needed nutrients.

    Terri - thank you, I'm not really to concerned about the macular degeneration. I'm just proceeding on the assumption that it will progress slowly and never really be a problem. Why borrow trouble? :)

    Carey/Miriam - thanks for the kind/encouraging words. I'm sure all will be well.

    Barbie - thanks, and absolutely I will. I have a lot of "stuff" to see yet :)

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Michele NC, who in your house has been tearing up toys? You have to keep that DH of yours in line. LOL

    Katla, so glad you have a trip planned to visit DD. Yum on the salmon! Who will smoke it?

    Janetr, so sorry about your eyes. Do take care and hopefully it won’t get any worse.

    Gorman, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want us to call you. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Come often and join in.

    Nikki, welcome to you as well. It sounds like you are certainly doing the exercise thing. Don’t get discouraged as the slower you lose, the easier it is to keep off. *Just my take on the subject* I just took a peek at your diary and you may not be getting enough calories. It is recommended not to go under 1200 a day and it looks like you might average being under. Ya never know what will help you lose faster, so it’s worth a try.

    Lillian, glad you are enjoying your new start. Have a wonderful new year. )

    Terri, I do laugh at myself in line dancing. Everyone else is just moving along with the greatest of ease and I’m on the wrong step just giggling away. I’ll hang in there cause it’s just such good exercise and you know I’m not that great about exercising. Lol You Go Girl on turning down that pizza again!!! Wow, that grilled cheese sounds as yummy for sure. And so happy you had your midnight snack ready and bypassed the two bowls of Frosted Flakes. A win for sure.

    Carey, glad you found a campsite to book. I’ll bet the holiday weekends do book up fast. Have a great time.

    Sylvia, smart move to get the kid’s toys at garage sales and I love the toy rake idea. When DD was little she had a stuffed Bear that she just loved. When we came home one day she evidentially dropped it on her way into the house. We went back out to look for it and our two dogs were playing tug of war with it. She started screaming bloody murder like they were killing her and not the toy. At any rate, it ended up with an amputated leg. I took it and very painstakingly sewed the leg back on, only to discover I sewed it on backwards. Now the poor thing just looked deformed? I had sewed it so well that it was just not worth it to try to remove all the stitches. It became a shelf bear rather than one that was constantly loved. Hey, I tried?
    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It is very overcast here and some areas have lots of fog. No rain predicted but expected to have humidity you can wear. Oh well. Someone was wishing fall but I’m not finished with summer yet. I have vivid memories of the long cold winter we had. Plus I need a few more days at the beach before it cools off.

    A smile for your day:

    I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager)
    I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later.
    I don't have to go to school or work.
    I get an allowance (pensions).
    I have my own pad.
    I don't have a curfew.
    I have a driver's license and my own car.
    I have ID that gets me into bars and the Beer Store.
    The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant.
    And I don't have acne.
    *Life is great.*
    Who said getting old is not fun?

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Miriam – What an incredible story about how denial can be a good thing. Many of us tend to talk of it disparagingly and often forget that denial can cushion a blow so that the person can function for a short while.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - for sure will do, I feel very positive about it. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JanetR: You are wise to follow doctors directions to keep the progress of macular degeneration as slow as possible. DBIL is 80+ and has had it for several years. He can't drive anymore, but he still enjoys watching baseball on TV. He also rides a moped in town. Yikes! I hope the progress of your disease is very slow to non existant. :heart:

    Anamika: It is always good to see your posts. :bigsmile:

    Nikki from Brooklyn now in NC: Welcome! There are a few other women here who live in NC. I'm happy to hear that you've found a new love after being widowed. You're a lucky woman. :flowerforyou:

    Carey: There are two massage places in town, but I don't know whether they offer a hot stone massage. I will call and ask. It sounds wonderful. :heart:

    Miriam: I don't have a cat, but the hummingbirds do look in our windows. It seems like they're checking on us, or letting us know it is time to refill the feeders. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Happy 43rd Anniversary. So wonderful that Charlie remembered even with his health issues and hospitalization. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie: I'm sorry your injury is interfering with the things you love to do. Quality rest will help you heal. Maybe walks without a dog pulling on you would be okay for your situation. :heart:

    DJ: I agree with your view that the slower the weight comes off, the easier it is to keep it off. Part of that is learning new habits, but it seems like the slower loss gives your body time to adjust and reset itself to a healthier metabolism. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! The company we're buying new windows from is coming to take measurements at the exact time of my yoga class, but DH will be home to handle things. Someone asked who willl be smoking the salmon. We will. We have a Big Chief Smoker and will set it up on our deck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - my sis that is two years older has it also. She did have to quit driving a few years ago. I believe she still watches TV and goes for walks with her friend. I feel confident that the progression will be slow. It's quite a bit worse in the left eye.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I didn't sleep very well last night so I just finished my strong lifts 5X5 and one of my new goals is to walk more so I am going to go out and try to get 10,000 steps in today.

    Joyce - Happy Anniversary! I hope you have another good day with Charlie and that when he gets out of the hospital you will be able to celebrate again.

    Janetr- I am sorry to hear about your eyes. Hopefully you caught it early enough that vitamins and eating certain foods will help slow down the progression.

    Barbie-I think it is a good idea to take it easy and let your hip heal. You could always let Jake walk the dogs and you walk with him. That way the dogs would not be pulling you out of alignment.

    DH - I agree, I hope summer will last a few weeks longer and that we have a very short winter this year! Last year it was brutal! That was a very funny Bear story! Thanks for the laugh.

    Kayla - enjoy the smoked salmon!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - thanks for the encouraging words.

    Janetr OKC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif The chiropractor said that walking the dogs probably didn't aggravate my injury but since Jake is insistent that I don't walk the dogs today, I decided to be agreeable and say "OK" (that was one of my resolutions for the month a few years ago and I'd forgotten what a good behaviour it is). So I am taking it easy, reading and getting up to walk in the house a bit. I sadly skipped the high intermediate dance class today and will skip the intermediate class tomorrow so I can teach on Friday. I'll see the chiropractor on Friday morning before class.

    :) I am quick to tell others to rest and follow the doctor's orders and then be cranky and rebel when I'm the one who is supposed to rest and follow orders....another opportunity for spiritual growth.

    :'( Mary, I keep seeing my new dumbbells and feel extra sad because I've only used them for two lifting sessions and I was so excited. After this injury, I'll probably drop down to lighter weights for awhile but I know that this is temporary.

    :) Katla, enjoy your yoga class.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    peeps - that wasn't my dogs that killed Pooh, I was commenting on someone else's dog that did. :0)
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member

    Here are two pics from my trip to West Haven last Friday. It was a gorgeous day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    beautiful pics kevrit
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri in NE Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Hi all!

    Had a wonderful day with my girlfriend in Portsmouth. B)<3 Walked for over an hour. Had already done my machines. :) The trains were delayed in both directions, but I didn't mind. :)
    Lovely to chat and chat and chat. And sit in the sun by the sea. :D
    Now VERY tired.
    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Nikki – Welcome aboard. I think 4 lb. in 3 weeks is very respectable. What kind of loss were you hoping for?

    Perhaps today is a good day for a reminder to set SMART goals for ourselves:
    S - specific
    M - measurable
    A - attainable
    R - realistic
    T - timely

    After reading the posts on hot stone massage I just called and booked an appointment for Sept 24. Yikes! That seems so far away, but it is the earliest I can manage because I have a lot of preparations before I head back down to FL. I will be visiting the friend I saw in June for her father’s funeral. This time we are planning some fun together. I will be flying in to Ft. Lauderdale on Friday and on Sat. we will drive to St. Augustine for several days of pirate adventures and sightseeing. Stuff neither of our husbands enjoy but we do. I hope the weather will cooperate so that we can end up in Harry Potter world before heading back to her house for 2days.

    I do not purchase stuffed toys for Merriweather. She is a terrier and likes to really chew and shake her toys. I find myself constantly picking up the cat’s mousies since I am convinced Merri will destroy them. Max thinks it is a great game to sit up on the bookshelf and bat a mouse down upon Merri’s head. Merri agrees wholeheartedly and tries to kill the mouse before I retrieve a drool coated mouse from her jaws. Being a well-trained owner I simply place the mouse back where it was and watch the game begin again.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning and thanks for all the anniversary wishes. He has had a busy day, food tastes awful. So daughter is bringing in a Cali cheese burrito from Taco Bell. But speech is normal. I have encouraged hi to continue to try to sing an he is trying but can only get a few phrases out. On a sad note, I have kept my good paring knife here to eat my daily apple. Last night they found it and confiscate it as a weapon. Yes, I guess they see me as a potential terrorist. I am glad I only got a angle layer chocolate cake to bring in mice I can't get anyone to have a piece, not even my pastor! So this chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is sitting here looking at me, tempting me. When Michelle gets here, I guess I will have to send it to work with her but that will be at 2:30 and I would miss offering any to anyone who comes later. Thanks so much for letting be a little needy and not really giving anything back this week.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-laughing025.gifMia, we loved the story of Merri and the cat's mousies.

    <3 Joyce, we take turns here being the listener, the helper, and the person in need....today you are the person in need and I and others can be either the listener or the helper....if we lived closer, we'd come to the hospital and hug you and do some hands on help.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :'( Mary, I keep seeing my new dumbbells and feel extra sad because I've only used them for two lifting sessions and I was so excited. After this injury, I'll probably drop down to lighter weights for awhile but I know that this is temporary.
    <3 Barbie

    You just rest and let your hip heal. You have plenty of years ahead of you to enjoy your weights. You might want to do squats without weights at first to get your hip used to it. Then slowly add light weight. I did squats for nine months without weights before starting strong lifts.

    Joyce - terrorist LOL chocolate cake can be very dangerous as well! I would probably have eaten it all by now. I am glad that Charlie is doing better and U2 are able to be together for your anniversary.

    Mia - it sounds like you have a fun time planned with your friend. When you were talking about your cat and dog and the mouse at first I wasn't sure if it was a real mouse or not. Not that your house is full of mice but I know that my cat used to bring them home and play with them on the deck.

    Kevrit- Beautiful pictures!

    Heather-I'm glad that you had fun visiting with your friend.

    Cheri - thanks for the quote! It is so true.

    Mary from Minnesota