

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    DJ love the poem and the story about the bear. Yes sometimes all we can do is try.

    Katla the hummers do the same to us. When the feeder is low the let us know by hovering outside our window.

    Cheri love the poster. Timely reminder.

    Nikki welcome.

    Heather glad had great time with your friend.

    Mia like the SMART goals.

    Kevrit wonderful pictures.

    Joyce they are not worried about you. It is just like at schools the worry is who else will get a hold of it. Last year I had to take a lighter away from a child in Kindergarten. The year before some third graders got a hold of one and were trying to start fires at recess.

    I went to help my friend set up her Kindergarten class. Cloudy day today. Cooler than they thought it would be.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Mary – LOL! Yes, we usually call the cat’s toys mousie or mousies. When we got our first cat I was talking to DH about picking up the mouse in the living room and he freaked out thinking it was a live mouse. I felt silly using the term when writing here but I can see how it can cause confusion.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I went to help my friend set up her Kindergarten class. Cloudy day today. Cooler than they thought it would be.

    :heart: MNMargaret

    I hope you enjoyed helping your friend. If I didn't live so far away from where I taught that would have been a fun thing to do. The beginning of the school year is such a busy time and I'm sure your friend appreciated the extra help.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Joyce – I agree with Barbie. I would hug you too. I even got a hug from my supervisor today because of missing my morning work-out, so I have extra hugs to share. O O O ! I hope you felt that one ! ! !

    Mia and Mary – I agree. I have had 2 cats that brought me gifts often, and more than a few times I picked up a mouse or bat in the dark thinking it was a balled-up sock. Thanks for the laugh !

    DD is overly sad today. Her boyfriend told her he needs a break. I’m guessing she is in the midst of a bipolar mood swing, but she won’t admit that. But if it is the case, he deserves to do some research to decide if that is something he wants to tolerate for the rest of his life. She stated that she just wants to cry and eat cake. I suggested she cry, eat 1 piece of cake, then take her dog for a walk. She responded that she doesn’t have any cake (so I’m guessing she still has a sense of humor?). My wish for her is to become strong in herself again, and stop getting “engaged” just a few weeks into a relationship. I tried hard to raise her to be strong, resilient, and self-reliant, so I don’t understand her strong need to be married all the time. Oh well, I guess I can’t keep parenting her if she doesn’t want it. So I will just keep praying for her.

    DS said “fine” when I asked him about his first day of school yesterday, so I assume he made it to all his classes on time. Right now he is getting in as much videogame time as possible, because as soon as he starts bringing homework, he can only play games Friday and Saturday.

    Now, It is time for my afternoon snack so I’m not starving during my walk to and from Big Lots.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.dealing with insurance co,is stressful
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Hello to all: I have not posted for a long time, got very behind with just trying to read last month so that is my goal for September. I will get here every day and keep up as much as possible.

    The people we bought our property from here in WA decided not to abide by their signed agreement to remove all trash from all the outbuildings. We had a verbal agreement to allow them some extra time for that. BIG MISTAKE!!! At this time all property is legally ours but of course that includes the trash and junk. Had a confrontation with them last week and have since closed and are keeping locked our driveway gate and have changed the locks on house and other outbuildings. I hate not feeling safe in my own place.

    On a good note I have not lost a lot of weight but working on 10 acres trying to get it cleaned up has made me noticeably stronger and my pants are looser. Yeah!

    Pip - Good luck on the shoulder surgery. I tore rotator cuff, biceps and three tendons a couple of years ago, had surgery and was in imobilizer for six weeks. Was told to walk at least 30 minutes per day to increase blood flow throughout body.

    Joyce - Hang in there. Glad the days are getting better.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. Don't have time to respond to all the posts, but I've been reading and am thinking of you all. I did want to share this that a friend of mine shared with me today.

    5 Optimistic Thoughts That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

    1. Everything happens for a reason - Sometimes the reason is you are a moron and make terrible decisions. Other times, terrible things happen through no fault of your own. Although you can't see it at the time, these things tend to have a larger purpose.
    2. Life only gives you as much as you can handle - Imagine that tough times are kind of like sprinting on a treadmill. You're exhausted and it would be so much easier to just give up, go home, and lie down, but if you persevere and get to the end, you'll be proud you made it.
    3. Happiness is a choice - Find something to be happy about in the morning: ANYTHING!
    4. Nothing is permanent - Life is in a constant state of change. Appreciate the good times when you have them and don't let the bad times rule your life.
    5. You always have the final say - You get the final say in how your life turns out. You choose your career, your friends, your partners and with whom you share your life. We don't control everything, but we still control a hell of a lot.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    VLJay wrote: »
    Another newbie joining in for the first time, from Devon, England.
    I have tried slimming world and WW in the past, initially with some success then it all goes back on plus a bit.
    Just got home from my summer hols and can't believe how gross I look on my photos, so here I am , going to try and lose it once again.
    I would like to lose50lb, but 40 would do!( anything is better than nothing!)
    Lost 2 at the end of week 1 :-)
    VJay x

    Welcome !!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis Minnesota
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 68 and don't know anyone on here....but I'd like to! I don't need to lose a lot of weight. I was up 15 lbs. which is a lot for me since I have a very small frame. My doctor said I am overdoing the carbs (and boy! is he right!!). I have been on a low carb diet for three weeks and have only lost 4 lbs. I'm very discouraged. I have been doing weight training for 18 years and have recently changed my workouts. I now do circuit training with intervals of walking/running on the treadmill between circuits. I typically workout 3 times a week. I also take CX Core once a week and Yoga once a week.
    I have been logging my meals and exercise daily. I just don't know what I am doing wrong. Most days I have been under my calorie limit.
    On a personal note...I have been widowed for four years and I'm now in a wonderfully committed relationship with my soulmate. I have three adult kids, two grands, and had custody of one of them. I live in NC although I am originally from Long Island, NY and Brooklyn, NY. I still think of myself as a Yankee!
    Oh yeah, my name is Nikki.
    I hope I can make some friends on here and also be a friend.

    Welcome!!! I'm 68, married 41 years, need to lose 195. Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Cheri in NE Ohio

    So true!!! Thanks I needed this!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    update peeps -

    Kirby booked our trip to California.

    after I make a post on facebook, his sister replied, "Tell my tightwad brother to dig into that retirement savings and go to California! Life is short, family is important and retirement isn't guaranteed--heck, tomorrow isn't even a sure thing!!"

    I read that to him and laughed so I guess a case of the guilts got to him. he is only going to do the 1/2 marathon and my sister was saying that I was going to walk with her. so I might be walking 6 miles with her (a part of a relay of a 1/2 marathon) I guess I could handle that. we'll see. so the flight is booked.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    update peeps -

    Kirby booked our trip to California.
    I read that to him and laughed so I guess a case of the guilts got to him. he is only going to do the 1/2 marathon and my sister was saying that I was going to walk with her. so I might be walking 6 miles with her (a part of a relay of a 1/2 marathon) I guess I could handle that. we'll see. so the flight is booked.

    Yeah! I am soooo happy for you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well it is Wednesday and I am working the long shift today 6-5:30. Yesterday was my day off and I did get a lot done. Walked to dogs at Hall County park last evening, DGD went with us, she is 7, and kept running. Boy! I wish I had half that energy. I did color my hair yesterday and BOY! is it red. I kind of like it, just taking some getting used to. I also did my mesurments as had not been done since March. Not very happy with myself but working on it and doing them more often.

    Joyce--Sending prayers and hugs. I understand why you are mad, wish there was something I could do. You vent all you need to here, we are here for you. Know you are worth so much and deserve to be treated with respect. None of this is your fault, remember that. Glad things are looking better. Good to hear you are taking care of you. Hope you are having a nice day and celebrating your Annivserary the best you can.

    Mia--I am like you and read all the posts so I don't feel left out. Each of you are important to me.

    Rori--Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like a fun time was had.

    Michelle from Washington, Trish, Sandy, Nikki, & VJay--Welcome, glad to have you join us.

    Barbie--Thanks for keeping us going, hope you are feeling better.

    GloriainWA--Sorry to hear about your fall.

    Margaret--I like you goals for looking for positive things and something beautiful to enjoy each day. I think I will borrow them. Thanks,

    Sylvia--Sure hope things are better with DGD. Makes me want to go down and have a talk with those boys. Great NSV at the GNC store. For a second there I thought you had a picture of my house. No matter what kind of toy we get Oscar it will only take him a couple days to start getting the stuffing out and with in a week it is all out. Sorry for Winnie Pooh.

    pip--Hugs I know the not riding will not be easy for you. In the end it will be worth it.

    DeeDee--So happy to see you post, I was worried about you, missed you.

    Janetr--Pray it goes slow and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful time.

    Lillian--I like that each day is a new beginning. Thanks,

    Terri--Sounds like you have the night snacking under control. Congrates!!! Sorry to hear what DD is dealing with. I know it is hard to watch our children hurt and not be able to fix things. I stuggle with that a lot.

    Kevrit--Beautiful pictures, looks so relaxing.

    Hi, Sue good to see you post. Missed you also.

    Linda/IA--Very wise words, thanks for sharing.

    Well about time to finish up for the day and I understand it is HOT!! outside. Not sure if we will walk tonight or not. DH has a coworker that is moving out of state and wants to go out for supper. I told him he could go and I would stay home, just want to go to bed early. Work short shift tomorrow 7-3, and we are planning on going out to the State Fair around four so can walk around before the concert, so will get in lots of steps. Take care ladies. Love each of you and keeping you in my prayers.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Mia where are you in Michigan?
    Maryann from Michigan
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    I have CRS also!
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    My dad has macular degeneration. He is 87 and has had it for quite a few years. He has one eye that he says is "totally gone". He is trying to save the good one. He gets shots in the eye. He doesn't drive much anymore and never at night. He does still farm and drives his tractors. He is also still good at playing cards. :) My mother in law is legally blind from diabetes.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello ladies ((hugs))
    So today at my weigh-in I was up 1.50 lbs, so at least not the 2 lbs up I was preparing for. I ate really good yesterday, so I know what I need to do to get back down. Of course, you-know-who lost the most this week. This gal is really a piece of work. I am referring to a gal that is the assistant weight recorder. When I weighed in last month (the 19th) she had said after I got off the scale that "she beat me" with her 6 lb loss over my 5 lb loss. I got up in her business saying that I didn't appreciate what she had said, and its not a contest, and the weight room was my "safe haven". Anyway the next weeks meeting (the 26th) she had a gain. Now she lost big time today with a 6 lb loss. I'm conflicted because we are "celebrating" the fact that she is a definate yo-yo dieter, and by her winning the basket of fruit and veggies plus the 50 cents from members that don't bring fruit, every other week seems wrong. When I am the biggest loser for the week I can explain what and how I did it. She can't and its not modivating to the rest of the group. The fact that she can't explain her actions makes me question her authenticity of how she is losing. I know a loss is a loss, and I do keep my mouth shut.

    I went to the Goodwill Store and found a swimming suit for $8. The suit I have been using I can't even do laps in anymore. So picture this...its a suit with an attached skirt. The whole suit has lost any stretch it ever had. So when I get out of the pool the skirt part goes lower than my knees! I was chatting to dear husband in the hot tub the other day, and I was fanning my skirt out like a fishermans net.....my arms wide in the water.....he looked at me saying.."that is just totally wrong". So I know the suit I was using was a size 24....the largest I could find at Ross's. Today the suit was a size 20 and it fit me ok. Granted it is brown with polka-dots...but it was $8 so it just has to take me thru the winter months.

    Septembers goals:

    -to continue to exercise daily. (move Becca MOVE)

    -to continue to log daily...its a routine I am worthy of.
    -to go to bed between 9-10pm
    -to continue to end the day in my husbands arms and "pillow talk"
    -to hug at least 5 times (minimum) daily
    -to laugh daily!
    -to forgive myself and realize that change happens.

    -to continue to eat within 1100-1200 calories daily
    -to experiment with different veggies weekly/ to eat beyond my comfort zones
    -to remind myself at meal preparation that this process is as important in my food choices and to rejoice in the chopping!
    -to continue to drink at least 88 ozs daily

    There its on paper...Time to impliment!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. Don't have time to respond to all the posts, but I've been reading and am thinking of you all. I did want to share this that a friend of mine shared with me today.

    5 Optimistic Thoughts That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

    1. Everything happens for a reason - Sometimes the reason is you are a moron and make terrible decisions. Other times, terrible things happen through no fault of your own. Although you can't see it at the time, these things tend to have a larger purpose.
    2. Life only gives you as much as you can handle - Imagine that tough times are kind of like sprinting on a treadmill. You're exhausted and it would be so much easier to just give up, go home, and lie down, but if you persevere and get to the end, you'll be proud you made it.
    3. Happiness is a choice - Find something to be happy about in the morning: ANYTHING!
    4. Nothing is permanent - Life is in a constant state of change. Appreciate the good times when you have them and don't let the bad times rule your life.
    5. You always have the final say - You get the final say in how your life turns out. You choose your career, your friends, your partners and with whom you share your life. We don't control everything, but we still control a hell of a lot.


    Linda I like those optimistic thoughts! They are on my frig! Thanks!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Miriam - it takes a very special kind of person to be an EMT and you are definitely special. o:)
  • as5811
    as5811 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi - I'm new to this thread. It's nice to see other women over 50 working toward the same goals. I'm 62 & started my fitness journey in January 2015. I started eating healthier & exercising. I did pretty well during the winter months losing between 4-5 lbs/month. I have learned I deal with stress by eating. A hard habit to break. Our 24 yr old daughter moved to another state for a job. The stresses of preparing & moving her did a number on my weight loss streak. Anyway, my September goals are to;

    1 - Eat less than 1500 calories
    2 - Exercise at least 30 minutes 6 x per week
    3 - Drink 8 glasses or more of water
    4 - Log my daily calories
    5 - Add some strength training to my exercise week.
