

  • I did become more aware of my body's appearance when I was down to my ideal weight (YEARS ago). I think it was because I'd spent so much time training it and sculpting it that the look of it became too much of a focus. It was very easy to fall into. All those mirrors at the gym didn't help, either. So when I found myself…
  • Why not do a quick burst of exercise (i.e.: HIIT, like a Tabata protocol) when you first get home in the evening? A Tabata takes only about 8 minutes, is very challenging, and after that you can do a little weight training for 15 minutes or so before you settle into dinner and your study routine. That's a 23-minute workout.
  • Your waist is only one inch bigger than Julianne's, so it sounds like you're pretty much there already. Or very close. Both of you work on your physiques to get to that size.
  • I have fairly developed deltoid muscles. I develop muscle pretty well for a woman. My shoulders are fairly broad and straight, not sloping at all, and I'm good with that. I just have to watch my trapezius muscle development; I don't like that muscle developed much on myself (on men, either).
  • For me it's snacking at night. I go the entire day being very diligent about my healthy diet, but often when I get home from work, I'm tired and just want to relax, read a good book/watch a movie, and snack after dinner. It's a habit I acquired when I was younger and I have a hard time breaking it. Snacking = relaxation is…
  • Tigger--what other ways can I increase my activity and improve consumption/usage? Just looking for ideas. Thanks.
  • Hi there, I'm 49, in perimenopause. I've been aware of exercise/diet all my life, but I've still always had to watch my weight. I've also always gained my weight in my middle, even when I was younger, so I understand how frustrating that can be. I think we as women are judged by our shapes much more harshly than men are. I…
  • I'm willing to help kick anyone's butt into shape. Metaphorically, of course. :) Feel free to add me for mutual support.