emilyesq Member


  • I usually like to weigh myself in the late afternoon/early evening, when I get home from work. I've tried weighing in the morning, like some recommend, but I not only do I feel gross and bloated when I first wake up, but I'm so bad with mornings that I'll often completely forget to step on the scale.
  • Woo, 40 pounds! That's fantastic. Moms are so impressive, how any of you get time to so much as cook for yourself is beyond me.
  • Hi Jenna! Short term goals are where it's at. Telling yourself you're going to lose 95 pounds (which is what I told myself I'd lose on my first ever diet when I was 18 and bigger than I am now) is pretty demoralizing after a while. No matter how big you are or how hard you're trying, 95 pounds doesn't come off quickly or…
  • Oh, I don't mean like a crossfit routine, I mean one of these machines: http://www.technogym.com/img/net/prodotti/crossmg71.jpg My gym has a few of them, and I kind of prefer the motion to elliptical, it feels like biking while standing up. They're my favourite cardio machines at my gym. Some of them are called Crossfit…
  • I do take measurements, and that's really what matters to me, but the scale number changes more frequently and keeps me on track. I'm working on relying more on the measuring tape than the scale. My short term goal is a specific dress that I bought a few years ago when i was 10-15 pounds lighter than this. Long term, I…
  • So, if I'm doing my strength training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I'm supposed to do no cardio at all on the other days? I work a desk job, and not the kind where I can really get up and move/do squats/take walks throughout the day; I'm essentially tied to my desk. I feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of not…
  • Oh god, I tried some of the sinking shrimp pellets I have for my corydoras once (also while drinking). That was less about hunger and more idle curiosity, and I almost puked. Seafood should not be in pellet form.
  • My first post on these forums is going to be a truly ridiculous confession... I've managed to rid my house of pretty much everything I'd be inclined to snack on. I've been very diligent about logging my calories and working out every day. I've been so proud of myself! Last night, I was craving food - nothing specific, I…