ctrb1959 Member


  • Hey there! I am Tracy and I will soon be 63. I have been obese since I was 11yo. I am in need of two knee replacements and I have to get my weight down to qualify. My knees are so bad that I walk with at least one and sometimes two canes. Since I don't want to be in a wheelchair and want to be more active, I made the…
  • Hey there! I am Tracy and I just had to respond to this thread. Looking at the definition of addiction, I would agree that sugar is an addiction for many people, including myself. Addiction does not require you to become a criminal to be validated. But, the advice given is good. I am nearly 63 and I am tackling my severe…
  • For me....it is an upcoming vacation to Hawaii. I want to fit in the freaking seat without using an extender and so my husband will be comfortable sitting next to me. Beyond that, I have arthritis in my knees and have a lot of pain - I have lost 17 lbs and my knees are feeling much better!