What are everyones motivations for losing weight



  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I want to be healthy inside so I can have a good quality of life until a ripe old age. I also want to be physically fit so I can continue hiking and going for long walks and that sort of thing after I retire. I see my mom struggle physically and she isn't able to do all the things in her retirement that I would want to do, so seeing that is good motivation.

    Also, I want to be able to wear anything, including a bikini, and feel confident.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    For me everything leads back to, I'm just tired of being fat...lol
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I live in New Jersey - the land of doucherockets. 'nuff said lolol

    ^^^ I'm stealing this word >:)

    I re-started my journey this last year, motivated by my father slowly losing to cancer and my mother being diagnosed with a degenerative bone disorder in her back. I can't even imagine life without them and I want to be around for as long as I can for my daughter.
  • ctrb1959
    ctrb1959 Posts: 3 Member
    For me....it is an upcoming vacation to Hawaii. I want to fit in the freaking seat without using an extender and so my husband will be comfortable sitting next to me. Beyond that, I have arthritis in my knees and have a lot of pain - I have lost 17 lbs and my knees are feeling much better!
  • janeele
    My personal motivation is weight loss and health. Man, I am 325.2 lbs I cant believe I am even typing this LOL....This weight has slowly crept up on me and it must be destroyed, I am 5'9 so I am tall and big and that is a bad combination for me. I want to stay motivated so off to the races!!!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Good morning from Montana.
    I have the normal motivations; be healthier, able to wear that bodycon dress (or whatever I want to wear), keep up with the granddaughter, do my highly physical job better and longer, etc... BUT my biggest motivation is my yearly vacation. I vacation at the end of each summer with my best friend of almost 30 years. We were Army buddies and he's stayed in "fighting shape" while I've let life go to my waist. While on vacation, each morning he brings me breakfast in bed and then heads out for his workout/run while I laze in bed. NEXT vacation I am going to go running with him (AND WOW him with that bodycon dress!!!)

    Good news, bad news.
    Good news: I am even MORE motivated right at this moment.
    Bad news: Vacation this year is in 6 weeks...NOT the end of summer. My "motivator" is being deployed FOR TWO FREAKIN' YEARS so it's kind of a now or never situation.
    Good news: In two years I'll be rockin' the bodycon dress. THAT will be a vacation to remember!
    Bad news: I won't be so rockin' in 6 weeks.
    Good news: I'll wear it for him anyway because he loves me and accepts me just as I am! :blush:

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Health, plain and simple.
    my motivation is the wish to live.
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    Plus I want to be in great shape when the zombies come.

    Yeah my reasons are zombie related too! That and vanity and that I have spend a shed load of money on new clothes that are quite snug, need to fit into those clothes! :smile:

    Zombies are my motivation too!! I want to survive the zombie apocalypse! Once I've lost a bit more of my excess weight, I am going to do the C25K programe, Zombies, RUN! Cannot wait. If that won't motivate me to run, nothing will!! :smile:
  • digitalcanuck
    digitalcanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there. I am in Ottawa Canada. My motivation was mainly to keep on tract with a new healthy lifestyle. I was 40 lbs overweight but also very unhealthy. I did not want to just loose weight and stay unhealthy. I also didn't want a quick fix that would ultimately do more harm than good or create a rollercoaster of weight fluctuations.

    I decided that I needed to change my perspective and instead of focusing on the numbers (weight), I would feed my body what it needs to be strong and able to handle what life has to throw at it. I also wanted to make myself accountable for moving my body.

    Mfp helps me track my lifestyle strategies. I am so much stronger, more energized, and relaxed. A nice by-product is the fact that I have lost 35 lbs.

    Another happy outcome is that I have never eaten such yummy food as I do now (and I have always hated cooking, arg). I cook mainly from scratch now and have learned how to be more creative.

    I wish everyone luck with their journey.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »

    Plus I want to be in great shape when the zombies come.

    I said this to my husband the other day. We are big TWD fans. He looked at me and said "I knew I loved you for a reason!" Ha

  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    I want to be in better shape, because I am finding myself tired, run down and sore after very little activity. I NEVER used to feel this way. Not to get too depressing on this post, I suffered 3 miscarriages and honestly, after all that, I didn't care about how I looked. I just wanted a baby so bad.

    Well, I have two beautiful children and no more babies here! I just want to be able to run and play with them, without being uncomfortable or winded within 5 minutes. :) I also want to be around for them for a very long time!

    I also want to look good for my hubby. I am about 50 lbs heavier than when we met, I want him to think I am sexy. He already says he does and would love me anyway, but still. If I look sexy now, I am going to look damn sexy after losing 50 lbs! :)
  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    My family has a history of health problems that I would like to avoid. I used to be more athletic, and want to do the things I used to be able to do. I want to be able to do things that I never used to be able to do on top of that.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    I grew up doing outdoorsy stuff. When I got married and started having kids, it became hard to get time away. About 5 years ago, my father and I spent an entire autumn season fishing and it was enough to remember who I was again. Unfortunately, my father's cancer came on very suddenly and took his life just a few months later. I was left remembering who I was but afraid to go out as a woman alone and do those things.

    Last December I read a book about a woman who did go out alone and do the things she wanted to do. So I thought, if she can do it, why can't I? So I went out and spent umpteen dollars on backpacking stuff for my 3 children and I. I had only backpacked one night in my life but I figured I was healthy and could lose weight slowly. We went on our first hike and, legitimately, everything seemed okay on the first trip.

    So if she could do it, why couldn't I? Because any way you wrap it up, 335 lbs is not a healthy weight! 3 days after I got back from backpacking, I had a warning stroke, where you have the symptoms of a true stroke that come and go within a few minutes. Its basically a "get your butt in gear because a big stroke is headed your way and very soon."

    And you know what? It was time to get my butt in gear. I have mountains to climb. I have life to live and stroking out at 37 is not my idea of a good time. I am down almost 30 lbs so far with about 130 left to go. In 2 years, I am hiking the Wonderland Trail with my children. And in 12 years, I am hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. And in the meantime, I am going to life a wonderful life where my body doesn't hold me back anymore.
  • ourtruelovewillneverdie
    I want my size 4 to fit comfortably again.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Good Morning (im in the uk)

    I want to know everyones motivations for losing weight and how they stay on the wagon?

    I am a good 7 stone overweight and am conscious that I need to do something about it as some days I feel really down and I struggle to buy clothes in normal stores.

    Its not that I dont want to do it but I struggle with motivation and the confidence in myself to do stick to things.

    Any advice appreciated

    Thanks in Advance
    My motivation for losing weight was to feel better and get back into old clothes.

    44 pounds gone and I've been in maintenance for a year now.

    My motivation for keeping it off is that I don't hurt any more and I feel great. I am in a smaller size than most of my old clothes now.

    To me, it's amazing to be at a healthy weight.

  • ourtruelovewillneverdie
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.

    A guy shouldn't be with you for your figure, they should be with you for you :smiley:

    I live in New Jersey - the land of doucherockets. 'nuff said lolol
    - I'm originally from Jersey too. Lol. My motivation used to be the same thing.

  • nekoyaz
    nekoyaz Posts: 33 Member
    I've always had a bunch of reason to want to lose weight. I'm over 300 lbs and this world isn't meant for big people like me. I can't fit well in most places and I can never find clothes. My mom has diabetes and my dad's parents both died from heart related problems. I'm always tired or well I used to be before I started working out.

    What finally got me to do something about it was actually fashion :3 This past summer I fell in love with a Japanese street fashion that's influenced by Victorian era clothing and I think it's so pretty and elegant. Unfortunately it doesn't come in plus sizes or suit plus sizes. I want to wear those clothes so badly. I feel like I've found what I was meant to wear and whenever I feel down or don't want to go to the gym, I just look up pictures of those clothes and it motivates me to keep going. Here's an example of it if you're curious http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dHmnVB3rFC0/U5NlPopfzxI/AAAAAAAAG2I/-yDloM_MKdo/s1600/group.jpg

    Sorry my post is so long. Good luck with your motivation stuff!
  • C5North
    C5North Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Everyone, my motivator is anger. Anger with myself for letting my body get this way in the first place. Anger is a strong emotion and I have used it to my advantage to catapult me forward when nothing else will.

    When I don't feel like exercising I remind myself not of how I will feel when I am smaller but of how I feel when I am larger and I feel angry about that so I get up and move.

    Exercise with ATTITUDE!

    This is me as well. I get where you are coming from 100%.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My motivation has been my desire to stay awesome as I age. I'm getting older now, so it's time to keep an eye on my health and fitness so I don't start falling apart.

    I've been maintaining at goal weight for over three years now. At this point it's just good habits and consistent monitoring that keep me "on the wagon." I'm so used to this lifestyle that's it's second-nature. I can't really even imagine the alternative. It's not even an option in my mind.
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    Bonjour from Montréal.

    Glad to be able to post this anonymously, as I would NEVER tell anyone about it ...

    I want to lose weight because ... honestly? Not to be too embarrassed about my figure. It is not feminine, but when I am thin it is better.

    And also having a chance to receive compliments once in while, because it's only when I am very slim that I get some. Call me shallow, but as a women, it is hard when the only compliments you get are from your father. :-/