What are everyones motivations for losing weight

Good Morning (im in the uk)

I want to know everyones motivations for losing weight and how they stay on the wagon?

I am a good 7 stone overweight and am conscious that I need to do something about it as some days I feel really down and I struggle to buy clothes in normal stores.

Its not that I dont want to do it but I struggle with motivation and the confidence in myself to do stick to things.

Any advice appreciated

Thanks in Advance


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good Morning. Londoner here.
    My motivation was for my summer hols two years back. I didnt want to be the largest out of the three mums. Once i lost weight I kinda liked it so stuck with it. My mission was also to be able to walk into top shop and jane norman and buy what i like. I can now but bit too old for most of the clothes.

    If you like food like me dont do anything drastic just eat your normal foods just less of it. And find some type of exercise to do each day. fitnessblender.com and you tube has all sorts.

    Log each day and it will just become part of your everyday. Dont think about the overall weight just maybe stick to small goals. You can do it x
  • Good Morning. I'm in Ohio, USA.
    My motivation is that my husband of 25 yrs and I had a rather lengthy and heated spat this summer. I was nearly ready to walk out on him. Instead, I decided that I needed to start doing things I liked, and stop catering to him and three adult children. Since I was raised on a cattle farm, I naturally decided to buy some cattle. I started attending livestock auctions where many friends whom I had not seen in decades are still regular attendees. How could I let an old sweetheart see me this heavy?? So, I decided to start taking back whatever "sexy" I could find. I have bought some cattle. A couple of them are nice enough for competitions. However, it's going to be even nicer when the judge can differentiate between myself and the cow. LOL B)
    30 pounds lost since the first week of September. 35 pounds to go! :)
    I will be going back to the cattle sale this week. We'll see if "sweetie" notices the new look.
  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
    Greetings from Ghana! :)
    What helped to keep me motivated when i started was thinking about how much easier certain things would be if i lost a little weight...(climbing stairs without feeling like I'm about to die, finding clothes that fit right and look good etc.)
    Once I lost the first few kilos, and started noticing the little changes,(how different I looked, how slowly the folds are disappearing, how i had more stamina) it became easier to stay motivated, and my goal weight didnt look so impossible.

    -log in everyday even on the days you eat rubbish, log it in and move on
    -don't let a setback stop you from trying again
    -weigh everything! It would surprise you how much stuff actually weighs when you're no longer eye balling it.(you can stop once you get the hang of it, but for accuracy sake I'd say weigh everything
    -Take progress pictures, it helps to show that there HAS been a difference, when you feel like it hasn't.
    Hope this helps. :)
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    Morning! Scouser here. :smile:
    I have always struggled with my weight, and all of the diets I have attempted in the past have been for a specific event. My best friend’s wedding, holidays etc. This time it is different. I put on two stone in the space of two months, and I am now 3 stone overweight. I had a moment where I was getting ready for work, and I had accidently put the only bra that fitted me in the wash. After trying on several of my older ones, and nearly getting sliced in two, I settled for a neon pink sports bra, that was clearly visible through my work uniform. I was mortified. That was the trigger for me to say “enough is enough”. I use that negative experience to motivate me. I never want to be in that situation again. And I am feeling so positive for the first time in a long time (nearly 8lb lighter) and I have no intention of giving up.

    My weight loss started with a negative feeling towards myself and my body, but now that I am 4 weeks into it, I am in love with the body that I will have once I have reached my goal. The difference? I am doing it for me and for no reason. I have no big events coming up, I don’t have any holidays booked. I am doing this indefinitely until I get the body I deserve! And the weirdest thing of all…. I am enjoying it! I have not missed anything. I have refused cake, chips, chocolate and biscuits, and I have done it each time with a smile on my face!

    You need to be in the right frame of mind to do it. Weight loss is as much a mind game as a physical one. If you are not ready, you shouldn’t diet. I don’t like the word diet. I am not on a diet – I am changing my life.

    I wish you all the luck in the world. If you want to add me as a My Fitness Pal (ha!) then feel free :smile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Feeling healthier, reducing anxiety, stabilising moods

    I love the looks and compliments I get now too

    I feel a decade younger and more confident in myself and my ability to keep up with my children

    I'm no longer passing up on things because I think in the back of my mind I can't physically do them or I'd look stupid

    Life's more fun when you're healthy and strong

    My 10 year old daughter needed a better role model, and my 13 year old son now has a press-up challenger
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    My motivation is so I look good for when I marry the girl of my dreams in 19 months time.

    I also play a lot of football - and enjoy it. But with putting on some weight in the off season I'm struggling, and not enjoying it as much. So I want to lose some weight to help me enjoy that.
  • reginastiffler
    reginastiffler Posts: 75 Member
    I'm motivated by a desire to either save my relationship or get sexy enough to say "hey, butthead..." after the relationship ends. Also, I want to have a baby and I want to give it the best chance I can... which means not being obese when I get pregnant. :)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Honestly - my husband is severely overweight and shows no signs of any kind of want to change, so my motivation is the desire that at least one of us survive as long as possible. He's a heart attack or stroke time-bomb and I wasn't much better, but I have no desire to leave my children orphans so here I am making sure to the best of my ability that it doesn't happen. (and yes I know, I could get hit by a bus, but at least I'm taking charge of the factors I *can* control)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
    For me, I have four kids ranging in age from 14-9. I want to be more active with them and also I'd like to live a long, healthy life and my obesity put me at a much higher risk for alot of things that would interfere with that.

    Also, I just got sick of being fat.
  • Thanks Guys - you have all really helped motivate me... Started back logging today :smile:
    - Feeling good and excited about the future!!!

    Am at my biggest presently
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    I want to look good in pics and not be the only gaint blob in them! Also I want to set a good example to my son. He thinks a world of me and I don't want to let him down.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    More dates more laid
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Good Morning (im in the uk)

    I want to know everyones motivations for losing weight and how they stay on the wagon?

    I am a good 7 stone overweight and am conscious that I need to do something about it as some days I feel really down and I struggle to buy clothes in normal stores.

    Its not that I dont want to do it but I struggle with motivation and the confidence in myself to do stick to things.

    Any advice appreciated

    Thanks in Advance

    at 7 stone overweight, i would urge you too see your GP asap.

    they will give you factual advice relevant to you,and help you with correct nutrition and exercise plans.
    there is even health referral schemes nowadays they can hook you up with to get real help from the correct sources.

    3 years ago i was 6 stone overweight,diabetic and morbidly obese.

    the doctors warnings were great motivation for me.

    now, i am 6 stone lighter,pre- diabetic and a lot happier/ healthier.
    - g luck.

  • When I was bigger I had health problems,so my motivation is my health :) I lost four stone but sadly gained 11 pounds back so once again I'm trying to get it off. You've made a really good start coming on here,feel free to add and good luck! x
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Everyone, my motivator is anger. Anger with myself for letting my body get this way in the first place. Anger is a strong emotion and I have used it to my advantage to catapult me forward when nothing else will.

    When I don't feel like exercising I remind myself not of how I will feel when I am smaller but of how I feel when I am larger and I feel angry about that so I get up and move.

    Exercise with ATTITUDE!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    I have a 12 year old daughter that I want to see grow up, a wife that I love and want to grow old with and several meds to get rid of (all meds are do to weight issues - lose the weight, lose the meds!!)
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Good morning from Montana.
    I have the normal motivations; be healthier, able to wear that bodycon dress (or whatever I want to wear), keep up with the granddaughter, do my highly physical job better and longer, etc... BUT my biggest motivation is my yearly vacation. I vacation at the end of each summer with my best friend of almost 30 years. We were Army buddies and he's stayed in "fighting shape" while I've let life go to my waist. While on vacation, each morning he brings me breakfast in bed and then heads out for his workout/run while I laze in bed. NEXT vacation I am going to go running with him (AND WOW him with that bodycon dress!!!)
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good afternoon from Yorkshire.
    A man I was very much in love with, told me I was fat. He was right. Ditched him anyway and started the diet. I want him to ask me out again so I can turn him down! :D
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Beanogirl wrote: »
    Good afternoon from Yorkshire.
    A man I was very much in love with, told me I was fat. He was right. Ditched him anyway and started the diet. I want him to ask me out again so I can turn him down! :D

    GO you!
  • Good Afternoon...Ottawa,Canada
    I want to lose another 5 kg...to have more energy
    and to feel healthier...I am slightly anaemic
    I also want to lose weight to feel good about myself
    And to look good as age..and get older..like
    when I am a Grandma..LoL