ChelzFit Member


  • I use the pancake syrup and the raspberry jam but that is about it
  • It took me a very long time to realize that I cant do what others do, for some reason my body does not handle the stress. I have pushed myself for years in the fitness area, working out 7 days a week, running 90 plus miles a week until my body pretty much shut down and I was forced to take a year off. My primary doctor,…
  • I so 4 days of cardio & weights and three days of walking for about 50 min. When I was doing 5 days of cardio and weights I found it was too much for me.
  • I am up at 4:50 three days a week and work out an hour before work. Weekends I get up around 6:30 to get it done before the kids get up. Like many of already said, I feel that if I don't get it done first thing it wont happen and I like to come home from work and enjoy my kids and not have to stress about finding time to…
  • Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Oatmeal, Avocados, Diet Coke
  • This is me exactly! If I could exercise twice a day I would, I love it so much. On the flip side I have a really hard time listening to my body and I am pretty good and just working through it. I have learned the hard way and have dealt with overtraining issues and messing up my hormones. I have had to force myself to work…
  • I really like their enchiladas, they have beef and chicken for only 190 calories. I have found them only at Kroger, they are a small portion but I usually don't eat them alone.
  • I love vodka mixed with different Mio flavors or crystal light. Also there is a drink called Truly, they have fun flavors alcohol and 100 calories per can.
  • I am on Lexapro and have been for about 3 years, a low dose of 10mg. I have maintained my weight just fine on it. When they tried switching me over to Zoloft once I noticed my appetite was out of control. I think meds just do different things to different people.
  • I find my Apple Watch low as well. It gives me a TDEE without exercise of around 1800...I maintain weight on at least 2,200 calories on my non-active days and around 2,500 on my active days. I use it more for a motivator of meeting my move goal for the day.
  • I love to exercise and right now I currently get up at 4:45 four days a week to work out for an hour. The other three days I walk. Now, I am only working part-time so I have the afternoon to clean the house, do laundry, prepare dinner and spend time with my little ones. Next year I am going back to work full time as a…
  • I eat one for lunch daily with added veggies and avocado, mainly because they are quick and easy to throw in my lunch bag the night before. With two kids, working full time, going back to school, and a husband who doesn't get home till 9 it helps me out. My breakfast and dinner are both homemade. I don't mind them at all,…
  • I have maintained for years now and I still weigh my cereals, bread, avocados, fruit, peanut butter, cheese, and meats. Things I don't weigh are packaged meals and protein bars...I know I should but if I am maintaining why bother. I usually have one frozen meal a day for lunch and two protein bars as snacks a day.
  • I'm 5'7 135 and maintain on 2,300-2,500 calories a day. I workout for an hour 4 days a week and the other three do light walking for 45 minutes. On top of that I try to hit at least 10,000-12,000 steps a day. I know for me I could not maintain 120, my body just doesn't have it and I feel like crap. 135 seems to be my happy…
  • Drinking just plain water-I always have to grab for something carbonated or flavored, it would be a lot cheaper if I would just learn to like plain water
  • For me personally I have to get it done first thing in the morning, 5am. Otherwise it is impossible for me to fit it in between work, picking up the kids, dinner time, bath, bedtime and homework.
  • I was going five days a week, but for me I just found it to exhausting with kids and work. I now do four days a week with the other three light walking for about 45 minutes. I also try to get in 10,000-12,000 steps a day so I consider myself fairly active. If my body would allow me to, I would live at the gym...I love it!…
  • I overtrained about 10 years ago, running 90 miles a week and eating probably less than 1800 calories a day. I ended up laid up for close to year. Since then, I really have to listen to my body and that is so hard for me to do because I am type A. I have been working out 4 days a week with 40 min of cardio and 20 min of…
  • I love how I look at 125 but I just can't maintain at that weight. I am 133 (5'7) and I have the energy to keep up with my 2 kids, workout 4-5 days a week and get 10,000 steps + a day. When I get under 130 I start to become fatigued, moody, and feel over-trained.
  • I have had a Fitbit for about 3 years and just switched to an apple watch. I am getting used to the rings as opposed to the steps, but I still make sure I hit at least 10,000 a day not including exercise. When I started with Fitbit I realized how lazy I was throughout the day. I always had a mind set of I worked out today,…
  • I did pretty well over the holidays, maintained and kept my workouts up. New Years Eve we had a wedding so it was a free for all and I leave in a week for a 7 day cruise. I figured I did well over the holidays, I'm going to enjoy the cruise and get back at it when I return. Luckily for me I enjoy working out too much that…
  • When I was struggling with ED I noticed I had a hard time with this. I would completely try to eat 100% clean and then it was an all or nothing approach and I would binge and purge. It was a horrible cycle. It took me many years to come to the conclusion that calories in verse calories out are what matters. I now allow…
  • That is exactly what I noticed when I wore my fitbit as well with my AW, fitbit gave me a few hundred more. I guess for me it was just seeing a number much lower took some time to get used to. I am not changing my cal intake based on that number my AW watch gives me considering I have been maintaining.
  • I can’t bring myself to pay that much for leggings. Victoria Secret works awesome for me, can still be pricey but when they are on sale I can get them for like 35 bucks!
  • I mainly used my fitbit to track my steps, I felt it overestimated my calories a lot of the time. I was just shocked to see that my apple watch estimated my cals 400-500 calories less compared to my fitbit. I am probably going to just pay more attention to my activity rather than my total calories. I don't feel the need to…
  • I don’t have my watch set with Mfp but I wore both my blaze and my Apple Watch to compare totals for the day. My Apple Watch totaled 11,898 steps and my total calorie burn was 1,706, 300 of those calories were active. My blaze counted 10,800 steps with 2,130 cals burned. I have had my blaze for about a year and have been…
  • Thank you so much, that app is exactly what I am looking for! I keep thinking I should return it and go back to the blaze that I have had for so long, but I really like the way it looks and I think I just need to give it some time to get used to it.
  • I also input the correct height, weight, and age in the activity app already and made sure that the heart rate and fitness tracking were on in the privacy section.
  • I am such a creature of habit so yes! Oats with protein powder, berries, flaxmeal, and yogurt for several years now. I have an avocado a day and a bowl of cereal every night and most often a quest bar daily.
  • I was having this consistently for the past 4 months. I noticed if I had a very active day or ran during my workout I would bleed. Turns out my birth control was making the lining on my uterus very thin and any type of impact would cause vessels to rupture and bleed. Switched birth control and all is good.