Wrong Calorie Amount
I have been eating this Mexican casserole 3 times a week. It has tasted too good to be true and I added the macros up and it is not 240, but 310! Can anyone make sense in why this label is wrong?
High Fasting Blood Sugar
Can your morning fasted blood sugars be high without being prediabetic? For the past several months I have been experiencing severe fatigue after eating. I went into the doctor and they ran some tests and they said my insulin levels were high-my blood glucose at the time was 70-that was 45 minutes after eating.…
Insulin Free Test
I recently went to the doctor to get a panel of blood work done. I went in complaining of fatigue-even more so after eating. I have a history of my blood sugar dropping (shaking, sweating, etc.) He ordered a panel of blood tests and said that I don't have to fast for them. They called this morning saying my insulin…
Fatigue from depression or depression from fatigue
For the past three months I have noticed way more fatigue and due to this I have a loss of interest in most things. The thought of doing things just sounds exhausting. I am still forcing myself to do things even though I don't want to. Come the weekend I usually crash and take a 2 hour nap on Saturday and Sunday. I have…
Post Covid Exercise
I am just over two weeks post covid (38 female). I had about 5 days of bodyaches/low grade fever. Luckily I never had any chest congestion, just sinus. My heart rate has been fine, no breathing issues. This past week I started to slowly get back into walking for about 50 min at a slow pace and it is just exhausting me. I…
Low carb/keto..confused??
Everywhere I go I see keto or low carb. I have maintained my weight for years with calories in verse calories out. I will admit many of these keto products look tasty but the calories, wow! I feel like I might as well get a DQ blizzard for the amount of calories some keto ice creams have. Also I am at a loss for…
Post surgery, eating enough?
I am 5 days out from breast aug/lift. Before I was working out daily, getting 13 thousand steps and eating 2400 a day. I am 5’7 133 pounds. I was eating to maintain and plan to continue. I won’t lie, I have a fear of gaining now that I’m down. I reset my goals to maintain and I am at 1,680 being sedentary. For the past 5…
Exercise after breast implant surgery
I am finally getting a lift and implant surgery done in two weeks. Although I am super excited, I am also very nervous for the recovery time. He is putting my implants under my muscle and I am not going ver big at all. I am someone who gets around 13,000 steps a day and I work out daily. He did say 8 weeks before I could…
Hamstring Pull
Last Friday I was running down the stairs and felt a pull right behind my knee. I figured it was a cramp, but the pain stayed. I am guessing it is my hamstring. I have been icing it and the pain is the worst in the morning, but once I am warmed up it feels better but it gets stiff pretty easily. I feel it more often going…
Flu fatigue
2 weeks ago I came down with influenza b and I feel like I have finally recovered. I have no symptoms other then fatigue and weakness. I took the first week off doing nothing but sleeping and laying around. This past week I started walking on Thursday on the tredmill and yesterday was my first day back working out and it…
I Keep Getting Sick!
This is my second year teaching kindergarten and I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old at home. Starting in mid October I came down with a five day virus with a fever. I recovered, good for a week then came down with a horrible cold which turned into a sinus infection. A week later my school got hit hard with norovirus and…
Tubal ligation recovery
I go in on Tuesday for Tubal Ligation. Doctor told me they make 2 small inserts and I’m good to go. I will be able to go home right after. He told me as for exercise I’m good to go the next day. I may be sore but there can be no harm done so I’m ok to resume my normal activity. Just curious to hear others experiences.
Apple Watch 3
I have been an avid fitbit user for a few years now and my husband surprised me for xmas with the newest iwatch. I am a little overwhelmed with everything on it and the two most important things are my step count and total calories burned. I am having some issues with the activity app. It says my total calories and active…
Disappointed in my new IWatch
I have been an avid Fitbit user for a few years now. My husband just bought me an iwatch3. I have collaborated my steps, updated my health app correctly and my total daily cals seem low to me. I have maintained my weight for years eating 2,200 to 2,400 a day depending on exercise. I usually get11,000 steps a day outside of…
Breast lift experiences...
I have maintained my weight at 135 for over 10 years now, I have had two children and we are done. When I was younger I had very large breasts, triple d. After losing weight they are now and have been for some time 34dd. Due to breast feeding and losing weight they are very saggy and lifeless. I had a consultation and he…
Worried about what I am teaching my daughter
Throughout my early to mid twenties I suffered from bulimia. I also suffered with excessive exercise and restricting. I grew up in a normal household but was always on the bigger side, not huge just more curvy. I was teased all throughout highschool for being the bigger girl. So I took it to extremes. To this day I still…
More steps=more calories?
I have always considered myself fairly active considering I am a SAHM with two toddlers, but in the last month or so I have really noticed that without my workouts I only really get about 6,000 steps a day. So for the last month I have made a commitment to try to get to 8,000-10,000 steps a day not including my workouts. I…
Low Blood Pressure
I have always had low blood pressure as it runs in my family, but lately I have noticed it has been lower and I have started to have symptoms (I have a tester at home). I went to my GP yesterday and it was 90/60. He said to eat more salt which I use a TON. He did some blood work to see if there was anything else going on…
Actually trying for 10,000 steps
Just curious to see how many of you out there have to actually work to hit your 10,000 steps or more. I have always considered myself active (mom of 2 toddlers, stay at home). By the end of the day I am always exhausted from laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Recently I started tracking my steps outside of exercise and was…
Syncing MFP with FitBit Charge HR Question
So I just recently started syncing my Fitbit with MFP, my question is where does MFP get exercise from. Yesterday it stated that I burned 538 calories from exercise but I did no formal exercise whatsoever. I hit 11,000 steps but that was just from my daily activity. I am maintaining and I have it set for that as well as…
Heart rate....should I be concerned?
I track my resting heart rate using my Fitbit charge and recently I have noticed it go from 50-52 to 44 average over the last two weeks. I have always had a slow heart rate but just curious as to why it has been dropping lower. I have not changed anything with my exercise, 4 days a week followed by light walking on the…
Diet Coke, Diet Green Tea, Crystal Light...all the same?
I love my Diet Coke and I already drink 2 a day guilt free. Before I work out I love a little preworkout boost from a small amount of caffeine and I am not into coffee. I love the carbonation of Diet Coke and could drink it with my breakfast every morning before I workout but for some reason I feel guilty adding another…
Halibut calories
Tonight for dinner I made 2 prepackaged pieces of Halibut. They were packaged at 4oz and the label said 19 grams of protein and .5 grams of fat per 4oz. Looking online everywhere says halibut is 124 calories per 4oz. This was wild caught and skinless. Is the packaging wrong?? Not a big deal but sucks that I thought I was…
Sick of being sick!
It has been almost two months since I have worked out. My 3 year old came down with the stomach flu and then I got it, took about two weeks to bounce back. Then she came down with a nasty cold which I then picked up. Now I feel like the cold has left but has moved to my chest. I have been doing everything, humidifiers,…
Physical Thearpy Assistant?
Anyone here a PTA? I am a SAHM of two and have my masters in Elementary Education. I want to return to work, but not to thrilled to return to teaching. I am looking into going back to school to get my degree within the medical field. I have considered becoming an RN, but a PTA looks a little more appealing to me. If I…
Trazodone..too tired to workout
I have battling insomnia/anxiety for the past several years. I was put on Lexapro last year after my 2nd child and it helped immensely. Well of course I started feeling so well that I stopped taking it 6 months later. About two months ago I started to feel my anxiety creeping up again and started to have insomnia again. I…
Halo Top Calorie Count
I love Halo Top Ice Cream, but to me the nutritional values did not add up. For a 1/2 cup of the birthday cake it says it is 70 calories, 2g fat, 15g carbs, and 6g protein. So that equals out to be 102 calories. So technically an entire pint would be 408 calories rather than 280. I know there is something about dietary…
Upset with new Surge FitBit
I recently upgraded from my Charge HR to a Surge. I really wanted the Surge so I would have the option of the GPS and the swim option as well as keeping the HR on the wrist. With my charge I found the HR almost always accurate when compared to my Polar Heart Rate monitor. I was very happy with my Charge. After only wearing…
Meniscus/lower leg stiffness
Back in October this year I managed to tweak my knee. My knee buckled a few times, had some stiffness and soreness. I saw an orthopedic doctor and she said it was probably my meniscus. I opted to do PT and wait for an MRI. During that time I quit running and did most of my workouts on the stairmaster and elliptical. It has…
Am I read for a 1/2 marathon?
There is a 1/2 scheduled on Oct. 16th and I am really interested in trying to run it! I have been an avid runner in my past, but in the last three years not so much due to two pregnancies in two years. Since my last child (14 months ago) I have brought my fitness up. I workout 5 days a week with 35-40 min. of cardio mixed…