Wyattmom Member


  • Overall, I think most are saying prepare for it so that when the cravings hit the snacking won't kill off what I've accomplished. And, learn to live with snacks around. I'm going to give pre-logging a try, including the snacks to see if it's something that can work for me. I'm also going to try protein fluff to see if it…
  • All of these are really good ideas especially the apple slices and peanut butter which I can prelog to have some go to snacks handy for when these cravings hit, usually when I'm idle :) .I've increased my water intake which has helped some but the frequent meals are next to impossible with my erratic work schedule.
  • Get moving, that way you're distracted if it's boredom or mindless eating type of hunger. If it's not, then the extra movement will earn you those extra calories you want to eat.