Snack attacks!

Okay, so what's really killing my plans to lose weight and keep it off are my snack attacks. These cravings and urges that surge at any and all odd times. I NEED HELP. So I decided to reach out to MFP community for suggestions that have worked for you or snack ideas that won't continue to set me back. Thanks for the support.


  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    I just stopped snacking on stuff. The cravings went away after a few weeks.
  • guapa68
    guapa68 Posts: 56 Member
    apple wedges with peanut butter a healthy snack and it lasts longer than a chocolate bar
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Have you tried pre-logging your days?
  • lizziesmom15
    lizziesmom15 Posts: 85 Member
    edited October 2015
    I find that if I eat 6 times a day there are no snacking times. I eat breakfast and then three giyrs ater a protein packed snack, then I eat lunch at 1/then three hours later another protein packed snack then I try to eat dinner by 7 then right before bed I have a small light snack, like celery and humus or raw baby carrots. Once you get past the first week or so it gets much much easier. Believe me, if I can do this anyone can , cause I love to eat. I also have a bottle of water each time I eat or snack and that's helps the full feeling.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I stopped snacking and made sure I ate a protein filled meal at every meal. I didn't need to eat between meals.
  • Wyattmom
    Wyattmom Posts: 4 Member
    All of these are really good ideas especially the apple slices and peanut butter which I can prelog to have some go to snacks handy for when these cravings hit, usually when I'm idle :) .I've increased my water intake which has helped some but the frequent meals are next to impossible with my erratic work schedule.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I don't have snack cravings that much, usually when I'm hungry, but when I do, I just check my diary and see if I can adjust my dinner to make room, at least that way it makes me think twice about whether I REALLY want that snack.

    Nothing wrong with snacks though. If you know that you like snacking, have smaller meals.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    fruit, popcorn, anything low calorie! it all helps.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I prepare "snack packs" - with nuts, dried cranberries, sometimes nuts in chocolate. I weigh it, and prepare a "meal" with the different ingredients so that I can log it easier. I also try to pre-log my day, which includes those types of snacks for days I think I might need it.

    What helps me is not just these snack packs, but trying to log craved for items before I eat them (I'm not always successful but I'm at least always logging it) so that I can make an educated choice if the calories are worth it or not (or how much I'd need to burn extra to make up for it). Again, not always successful, but I'm working on it and when it does work it works really well. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    Dont make bad snacks easily available, i LOVE chocolate LOOOOOOVE it I was buying like "family" sized blocks and trying to kid myself that i'd only eat 1 serve a day....I really ended up eating the entire block in a day!

    What I did was i just 'trained' myself to go without.

    I stopped buying the family blocks and started by buying just 2 chocolate bars and putting them in the cupboard and telling myself i have only 2 chocolate bars for this week. once i eat them, they're gone no more until next week. of course as soon as i got home from the supermarket i wanted to just crack into the both of them and eat them in one go but then i'd say to myself "If I eat it now today just because I can, what will it be like if I have a really stressful day tomorrow and have no chocolate to "help" me deal with it?"
    believe it or not that actually helped eventually i'd go from eating them both in a day to making them last 3-4 days then it came the point where i wouldnt need to buy any the following week because id never actually eaten the ones i brought the previous week!

    I just eventually 'trained' myself to go without and I learnt I can actually go without snacks, I wouldnt dream of ever cutting them out completly, theres always chocolate or chips in my house but now they can sit in my cupboard for weeks and I just dont graze on them like i use to it's hard to learn but it you can learn to snack responsibly.

    I think learning to live with snacking is a good lesson to learn because there will always be temptations and youll always have a weak moment if you dont learn how to handle that you wont succeed in the long term.
  • Wyattmom
    Wyattmom Posts: 4 Member
    Overall, I think most are saying prepare for it so that when the cravings hit the snacking won't kill off what I've accomplished. And, learn to live with snacks around. I'm going to give pre-logging a try, including the snacks to see if it's something that can work for me. I'm also going to try protein fluff to see if it will help for my ice cream cravings. Thanks everyone!
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Anything where you feel like you are eating a lot, but there are very few calories. Some of my fave snacks are:

    -apples with pb2. If you cut up the apple, it feels like you can just keep eating and eating.
    -rice cakes with laughing cow cheese on top. The rice cakes, although low on nutrition, have a lot of surface area and make it feel like you're eating something substantial
    -popcorn. I get the 100 calorie bags and feel like the bag never ends!
    -vegetables with hummus or some sort of dip. Cut up tomatoes and cucumber or whatever veggie you like and eat with some dip. I can eat a ton of tomatoes and cucumbers with some salad dressing and it seems to last forever

    I am a sweets addict and I eat weight watcher or skinny cow ice cream bars all the time. The nutrition is basically the same as regular ice cream but because they're portioned and not a giant bucket of ice cream, it can control myself better.

    Good luck!
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    The best way is to simply not have those items on hand. Of course, that's easier said than done, especially if you have teenagers at home like I do. The next best option is to save some of your calories for the end of the day (or whenever the temptation strikes).
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I tend to eat small meals or snacks throughout the day. As long as I don't ave large meals with it, it stay around my calorie goals.

    If it is carbs and sugar that you crave, a low carb high fat diet will most likely help to reduce your appetite and cravings. It worked for me.