eatingfatbeingfat Member


  • Dump the booze. Build the muscles mass. Keep the rest the same. I would be surprised if the weight did not start falling off.
  • I lost 150 pounds over the last two years. I am 33, mobile, in good health. I have extensive skin sagging on my mons pubis (TMI?), stomach, breasts and thighs. You can see some on my neck if you know what to look for, but most people don't. A lower body lift runs about 10k for a very good surgeon (American. There are…
  • It seems there is a part of you who's emotional needs are not being met. That is the part of you that doesn't want to lose. You might need to have a good talk to yourself, find out what you need. Because are emotions are like Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, they will not be ignored. The more you ignore them, the more they…
  • I started If-ing because of this very thing. I have to do it at breakfast, because I know I can't control myself in the evenings. But once I was freed yourself from the notion that you are obliged to eat at a certain time, I simply don't eat in the evenings. At all. If I am eating in the evenings it is off my plan. I was…
  • Liquid Stevia and nothing else. My body just can't cope. The longer I am on keto, the less tolerant my body seems to be to artificial anything. Liquid ones taste better (in my opinion). Trader Joes and 356 (whole foods) are the best/most affordable ones I have bought. It took a full 6 months for me to get used to the…
  • NUUN tablets really saved me, but it is good to know that the human body actually absorbs magnesium well through the skin, and that there are magnesium gels and lotions as well. Keep in mind that keto is a strong diuretic, and you need to drink a lot of water to help out your kidneys if you are dropping weight. I know on…
  • The only thing that ever made gym membership worth it to me were the classes. I loved body pump. You can walk like you would on the treadmill for free. Heck, you could walk to the gym from your home and back and get a good workout. A lot of gyms will let you try for a couple days before you join. Some gyms can be shifty…
  • I found for myself that maintaining my sodium levels throughout the day were very important when I fasted.
  • It's not for nothing! The difference between over weight and obese is large! Logging everything, walking is a great way to take care of yourself and loving yourself. Even if you never lost another pound (though if you keep it up, you most certainly will) it would be an incredibly worthy endeavor you should be proud of! It…
  • I have clinical depression and OCD. I have lost about 135 pounds - but I genuinely could never have done it without finding the right medication. Eating healthfully, exercise - these are both forms of loving yourself and taking care of yourself, and I could not do that in my deeply depressed state. It took me about a…
  • Sounds like it's *kitten* kicking time. (By that I mean kicking *kitten* at taking care of yourself, not your kids)
  • YES!!!! I feel like I have been wearing a 60 year old mid western matrons clothing since I was 13. 3X-4X most of my life. I want to dress my age. I tend to like my clothes a bit loose - I feel intensely self conscious when things are tight around my middle. Right now I seem to be between XXL in straight sizes, and 1X in…
  • Dude. I am stealing this and printing it on my wall. ;) Thanks
  • The mirror is just not all. People can rarely see themselves clearly. I have a great deal of trouble with this too, I really sympathize. I don't have the "You are getting too small" bit (I am at 169) but certainly have trouble assessing what I really look like. I am aiming for 140 (I am also 5'6'') figuring…
  • Jesus that sounds amazing....I want to eat breakfast at your house!
  • Fat. Fat is awesome. All the fat. Low carb is difficult and hard on your kidneys when you are doing high protein. Fat is deeply satiating, and tastes delicious. Eggs, cheese, cream, avocado, nuts, bacon, meat - all will make you full as long as you are not eating carbs with them.
  • Keep in mind no one is holding you to that imaginary standard but yourself. Forget about the big goals, go out and do it, and make a tiny weekly goal to achieve. With exercise or anything else, most people find large hurdles intimidating and they psych themselves out. The key to eating a whale is one bite at a time. (Does…
  • I am on keto, I love it. However you should know keto is not something you can really do temporarily. Once you stop, you may gain most of it back on.
  • I am a hedonist. I only like things that make me feel good. I think if whatever exercise you do does not feel good or deeply satisfying, it takes enormous effort to do it in the long term. If you don't think whatever exercise you do is hella fun, maybe you want to find something that is. Walking, dancing, sex...there are a…
  • tell you the truth exercise is only about 10% of weight loss - for the most part it is diet. Lifting weights would make a difference since it would increase your BMR - the rate at which your calorie normally burns calories at rest. But don't kick yourself for not running, or what not. Unless a serial killer is…
  • Damn! I was feeling put upon because it seems to be about 20 for me. (total, not net)
  • I don't know if this is true, but I always imagined once I reached my goal weight I would allow more carbs, but in vegetable form only. (Not potatoes or sweet potatoes, but most of them). Right now the more high carb vegetables are off the plan. Because they are high in water, cellulose and fiber, vegetables are much…
  • I am not sure how you feel about unsolicited advice, but I would go to 1300-1500 calories (as you are doing) but also adjust the macros: 70% fat, 20% protein and 5% net carbs. Include a salad once a day, 2 cups of chicken broth, and some more protein (pork, chicken, almond butter, salmon ect) Your body probably thinks it's…
  • Chicken Broth! Seriously, I assumed because I was not aggressively sick the way I was with Keto flu, everything was fine. But then I began getting mentally sluggish. I almost considered giving up because I was tired of feeling stupid and slow. I decided to try taking more salt (which was the advice for keto flu) and…
  • The most bizarre thing for me to adapt to with keto was the hormone cycle and the post water weight slump. Lost a lot of water weight, than stalled for 2-3 weeks, then starting loosing again. When I was simply restricting calories, my period had very little influence on my weight. However right now I feel like I am in a…
  • If you are making them yourself, sans sauce, you are going to be just fine. Look up on a reputable site (calorie is a lot more reliable than a lot of databases) or just walk into a grocery store and look at the wings in the frozen section that are literally just chicken. It is important to look up "drumette"…
  • How many carbs do you have left over at the end of the night? If it is a lot 1 tbs of Justin's Honey Almond Butter feels like dessert. It has honey in it though - and the real sugar compared with the low carbs foods definitely gives one a buzz. Net carbs for 1 tbs is 2.5g It is easy for it to become 2 tbs though, at least…
  • Gallstones! My old nemesis! I remember my first attack. 3am and I honestly thought I was going to die, I was in such excruciating pain. For me foods that gave me gas seemed to instigate an attack. But out of the many, many, many things I tried the best was apple cider vinegar drunk on the daily. 2 tbs with hot water.…
  • -Soft goat cheese -Avacado -Bacon -Pumpkin seeds -Walnuts Also, replacing a balsamic vinaigrette (usually has sugar....sigh) with a creamy or more oily dressing will do it. Slather it on! Also replacing chicken breast meat with chicken thigh or leg meat would help.