hellobrookie06 Member


  • I think my body may be doing the same. Its not exactly sure what's ching on yet haha glad I'm not the only one, I kept thinking I was weird since you hear people and their weightloss losing 10lbs in a month. Uh not me! Not yet at least ;) and thank you!
  • Congrats! I think it's awesome that you've started and committed to doing this for yourself. I know for me that's the hardest part! I myself have been going at it for about a month or a little under and I have a question. Do you struggle with the scale? Even though I've cut my carb intake and have added exercise I find…
  • I'm also a type 1 diabetic, for 20 yrs. I'm sorta new to all this, but I've noticed that it does seem harder to lose weight since I'm insulin dependent. I've really only struggled with my weight for the past year or two, and mainly due to now that I'm actually taking care of myself, go figure! But even when I was younger I…
  • I don't have much advice as far as losing the weight, because I myself am trying to start/maintain that journey, but I do have some advice for the type 1 Diabetes part! I am 27 yrs old and have been a type 1 Diabetic for almost 21 yrs now. It's probably been about the past yr or so that I've managed to gain all my weight…