Type 1 Diabetic with 75lbs to lose

Hi all!

I used to be an avid MFP user last year and lost a heck load of weight constantly logging (not so much posting though...). Around this time last year I lost 2 and 1/2 stone in as many months, of which I was SO proud of myself, I wasn't overly rigid with my diet, but I exercised like crazy going to a bootcamp 4-5 times a week. So around mid march I started to get sick, and was admitted to hospital where I was then diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, which was also a cause for my weight loss, as my pancreas had shut up shop, and my body just stopped processing anything I ate (I should have figured something was up when I had 2 takeaways and a meal out in the space of a week but still lost 5lbs). Since my diagnosis and the use of insulin, I steadily started to regain all of the weight I lost, and also lost my passion for exercise and quit the bootcamp. So here I am one year on, at the same weight I was when I started the journey last year, and wondering where on earth to start.

I wanted to post and see if there were any fellow diabetics on here that are having the same struggles! I'm 26 and UK based so very fortunate to be able to have access to all of the medication I need.

In order to get to a healthy weight I need to lose around 75lbs in total. CW is 225 so aiming to be 150lbs, which i think would be fine for my 5ft7 frame. As an interim goal I would like to lose around 50lbs by the middle of October as I am going on a caribbean holiday with my boyfriend. Do you think this could be possible? Support and motivation welcome!



  • hellobrookie06
    hellobrookie06 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have much advice as far as losing the weight, because I myself am trying to start/maintain that journey, but I do have some advice for the type 1 Diabetes part! I am 27 yrs old and have been a type 1 Diabetic for almost 21 yrs now. It's probably been about the past yr or so that I've managed to gain all my weight that I am trying to lose. I currently weigh 186 (goal weight is 150). I was also put on an insulin pump in the last 2 yrs, as before I was on injections and not fully taking care of myself. Once I was put on the pump I gained about 20-30 lbs because I was actually starting taking care of myself! Sucks but in retrospect a good thing, because the only reason my weight was lower was because my bloodsugars were so high constantly. Sort of what you went through with being diagnosed, my body wasn't processing the way it should and my weight was low due to that. Anyway, with all this said.....keep up with you diabetes!! Of course I'm sure you are aware of this being newly diagnosed. It's a constant battle trying to figure out how to maintain bloodsugars and eat right and exercise! Makes me want to scream sometimes, ugh. I think moderation with food is a big thing, I know that sometimes my lows have a big factor in how I eat, especially after exercise. It's all a big balancing act. Make sure you're fueling your body, not only for weight loss but for your diabetes, with good food/carbs. These type of carbs will help keep you stable and are better on your body. All in all is a good thing!

    I honestly believe that both of us can do it, not only lose the weight but be healthy diabetics too, it's just going to take effort, which I myself think is the hardest part of it all. I'm a newbie to this MFP, so I barely know how to work this and I definitely don't have all the answers, but it's nice having someone who is in the same boat to talk things over with. My husband just doesn't fully understand the diabetes or my weight stuff, so it does get frustrating at times. I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need support or a push just let me know! :smile:
  • samcatabd
    samcatabd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys! Same situation here and working to lose weight and keep the bg between the lines! Good luck!!!