jbartholomew87 Member


  • let me know if you have any other questions about those programs :) I have loved using them the past few months :) Lost about 12 pounds when I did them daily in 3 months (I was losing slow, but have some medical things that make it more difficult for me to lose weight)
  • Ummmm I started this summer with Piyo, and am now doing T25. I am in no way "fit" yet, but I love that these two workouts have modifications that allow me to do them at my level, while challenging me to do better and push myself further. I can't wait until I can check off nailed it on my T25 workouts, and as a teacher and…
  • I am getting ready to go do my T25 workout right now! :) I am on week 4, but missed the past two due to being sick and long days at work :(. I love this workout! I have also done Piyo in the past and that one was amazing as well!
  • You can do this! I just started this summer and feel so much better. I am in a rut right now, but am about to go get my workout in for the first time in a few weeks! Taking the time for yourself now, will make things so much better for you and your children in the future (that is what I keep reminding myself!)
  • The first hurdle will be the biggest! I gave up Coke in July (was drinking multiple cans a day before giving it up!) It took a few weeks, but I find that I no longer miss it! I had one earlier this month for a migraine and it was too sweet (never thought I would say that) So this is a hurdle that you can overcome! :) If…