New, and in need of help!

Hi all, my name is Krystal. I'm 24 and from Chicago, Illinois. When I was younger I maintained a healthy 115lbs, always was in sports. After having my first daughter, I gained weight but lost mostly all of it just months after. Well 6 years later, had another kid, who is soon to be one, and I just keep gaining. I'm at my heaviest, 180lbs! Can't fight my urge to splurge lol, and never feel full. I crave for junk, chocolates, bad bad stuff! I do drink plenty of water. Hoping if I make this public it would encourage me to lose and to keep it off. Anyone out there with the same issue as me? I've grown lazy, and .. just don't feel like exercising. Hate doing this alone!


  • jbartholomew87
    jbartholomew87 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this! I just started this summer and feel so much better. I am in a rut right now, but am about to go get my workout in for the first time in a few weeks! Taking the time for yourself now, will make things so much better for you and your children in the future (that is what I keep reminding myself!)
  • Yes! I want to be able to take my girls to the park and run around playing with them, not just sitting on the bench. I remember when I lost weight so many years ago and was so confident, and was able to breathe after walking a few stairs.. I want to be active! I want to feel good, and yes, look good too.
    Any advice on beginners work outs?
  • jbartholomew87
    jbartholomew87 Posts: 9 Member
    Ummmm I started this summer with Piyo, and am now doing T25. I am in no way "fit" yet, but I love that these two workouts have modifications that allow me to do them at my level, while challenging me to do better and push myself further. I can't wait until I can check off nailed it on my T25 workouts, and as a teacher and step-mom the fact that T25 was only 25 minutes a day was a huge kicker for me, I can give 25 minutes each day to do something for myself. Piyo ranged from 20 - 50 minutes depending on the workout.
  • Ok, that sounds good to me too, I never seem to have 'spare' time anymore. Thanks for your time and advice. Good luck on your journey!
  • jbartholomew87
    jbartholomew87 Posts: 9 Member
    let me know if you have any other questions about those programs :) I have loved using them the past few months :) Lost about 12 pounds when I did them daily in 3 months (I was losing slow, but have some medical things that make it more difficult for me to lose weight)
  • I will be your friend and try to motivate you but you have to take the first steps. You can do this!!!

    Can you walk? Do you have a stroller for your children? Get up after breakfast everyday and take them for a walk. Start out walking 10-15 minutes out then walk back. Just start off slow and add five minutes each week. If the kids are playing at the park walk around the play area while they play-that way you can watch them and get your workout at the same time. I walk back & forth in my house during the commercial breaks. If the weather is bad walk in the house. There are videos by Leslie Sansone where you walk in place indoors. They are free on You Tube. You will have to force yourself at first but in a few weeks it becomes a normal part of your life and you will feel like 'I have to get my walk in". Put the sweets away for a while-maybe treat yourself once a week for walking.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    Krystal, your post made me think of myself, up to a couple months ago. I would be so good all day long, but I'd get absolutely, insatiably hungry, starting around 9:00 pm and just eat everything in sight. I'd read about this study:, but I didn't want to believe it. I was a total Diet Coke addict, and I refused to believe that my blessed diet soda was responsible.

    A couple months ago, to cut my grocery budget, I decided to sacrifice my diet soda, among other things. I brewed a pitcher of unsweet tea, and it totally sucked until I got used to it, but I noticed something interesting. My 9:00 pm cravings were no more, and they only came back once. I took my kids to a back-to-school swim party and had a Diet Coke to cool off. And I was ravenously hungry within about three hours. I haven't touched a Diet Coke since. Is it possible that that could be your problem? You may not like to drink soda, so if I'm way off, I'm sorry.

    One idea on beginners workouts: walking or jogging is free and requires no equipment, if you have someone to watch your baby. If not, push a stroller around your neighborhood. I can't run (leg injury), but I totally got back in shape after my 2nd daughter was born by pushing a double stroller around my neighborhood, up and downhill.

    BTW, feel free to friend me if you like!
  • Hello & Welcome to MFP! :)

    I think many moms can really understand how time can just get away from us when there's rugrats in our lives. <3

    I've never had any issue with weight until I had my first child either so I TOTALLY get it. Before I knew it, I had packed on more weight from a second bambino. :(

    I know mommyhood can be rather challenging to find time for yourself but you should really do so because it keeps mama-brain from melting! LOL :D

    When the kiddos are napping or at least have some quiet time put on a 1 hr show. And during every commercial do something easy that doesn't require a lot of space or music or special equipment. ie. hold planks, push ups, crunches This is a great way to re-introduce the body to movement & wake up the muscles as if to say 'okay eternal slumber is over guys.'

    I also push both kiddos in a dual stroller when the weather was nice just to get some cardio in for me & fresh air for the kiddos.

    The key is to introduce more activities gradually so that it becomes a seamless part of your life for the long run rather than a quick fix to lose a few pounds.

    Also ... the eating ... it's a vicious cycle - hope this helps

    Best of luck to you!
  • Doyamn
    Doyamn Posts: 9 Member
    I have those sugar cravings too Krystal. You might want to look into emotional eating and sugar detox. that is what I have been doing. I am FOR SURE an emotional eater. I've read that eating comfort foods (the sugary stuff) has similar effects on the brain as coke or Heroin. So you're going to crave more. I have been researching a sugar detox and you pretty much have to cut out ALL sugar for 2 weeks to make your body stop craving it. I cringed but I guess it's about how much I really want it. Also as Sushi549 mentioned in the link she offered ....eating junk food may make you crave more junk food. Also look up exercise on the go. A lot of times there is "workouts" you can do while doing the dishes for example. just adding stuff in there helps burn calories. leg lifts while folding laundry. I am a "Google-er". There is a crap ton of info out there you just have to go search for it. Example - how to cut out junk food?, why do I crave junk food?, am I an emotional eater? workouts for moms with no time? I don't want to exercise what now? you'd be amaze what comes up!! Good luck!! =)