thetrickstergib Member


  • I'm feel your pain - some days I'm absolutely staving! Yet I've got only 500cals left to play with for dinner! :( One thing I put it down to is, boredom. On days I'm super busy, I can go till past 13:00 without even thinking of food - yet some days, by 10am I'm itching to eat something (yet had my 07:30 breakfast) Tried…
  • I work 9-18 with an 45mins drive each way to work. I've factored in more 'travel' time each day and on alternative days I either cycle or run, its not far 4-5km depending on where I park (but its something!) - you have to get to work, so why not incorporate some exercise in it? And twice a week I go do 30mins in the local…
  • Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
  • This is the 2nd time I'm on a weight reducing program, first time was from 220lb (100kg) down to 145lb (65kg). This time around I started at 178lb (80kg) and want to get to 155lb (70kg). Currently 76kg. A desk job has hurt the waistline! I think for me, it having a good results each week, which keeps me positive. With the…