

  • I haven't tried the spreadsheet link yet - been having PC issues. Been having hand-to-mouth issues this week too!! Ugh. Will hopefully have both issues resolved by Monday!!
  • Inspiring thought for the day! :smiley:
  • That sounds delicious! I keep trying to figure out ways to grow our own vegies. We live on the Ohio River in Kentucky so our "yard" is pretty much river! It's hard to explain but it's kind of like this: (top of hill) Our house with very small yard and large back deck, then there is a flat area (we refer to it as the "1st…
  • Sadly, I have no yumminess to report today. I had a very VERY bad day today! If it was bad for me, it went into my face today. lol - My mother really really wanted to go to Denny's for breakfast when I got off work at 4 a.m. - I did well there, I ordered the "healthy slam" - whole wheat pancakes, chicken sausage, scrambled…
  • The only thing I can report for today is that I have learned to like organic peanut butter. I have found the trick to this stuff is to store it on your counter so you can continuously 'flip the jar'. If you store it upright at all times, all the oil settles to the bottom and the peanut butter is not tasty. Lol....I just…
  • I made these "cupcake" brownies the other night and they were pretty good. Low cal but still meets that chocolate need. I topped mine with a little whipped cream and a half of a strawberry as pictured in the link. Tasty!
  • I think it also has to do with just the general surface and how level it is. I try to keep my scale in the same spot. Preferably in the place that gave me the lowest weight to begin with!! ;) lol
  • Thanks! It was almost TOO chocolatey though...I never ever thought I would hear myself say those words! #progress! heh heh
  • I try to do my weigh in on Fridays AND Mondays - it helps keep me in check over the weekend which is when I tend to get a little lazy. Not so much with my food, but damn, I can DRINK some wine!! (Or vodka, or whiskey or....) lol
  • I'm currently learning all about MUFA's - (pronounced Moo-fahs) which are monounsaturated fatty other words, the GOOD fat! The upside is they are mostly delicious - dark chocolate, olives, nuts, etc. The downside is they sometimes are high in calories. According to my latest research, you should include a MUFA…
  • I tried to weigh in today - apparently I need to get some batteries for my scale :( - I will try this again tomorrow. Grrrrr.
  • Hi everyone!! I'm in! Love the ideas so is just another suggestion: - Post one healthy meal that you enjoyed that day (include recipe). As peacehawk mentioned above - "if we want to change our lives, we need to change how we experience food" I don't know what kohlrabi is, but you can bet I'm going to Google it…