fyeahwlt Member


  • Thanks to everyone for your advice!
  • As slow as I was yesterday, I'm amazed that I was able to complete it! Like I said I was walking 5 miles daily but just three months when I first started this I could only walk a mile (a very very very slow mile) and even then I felt like I was dying. Then just like you I moved up to about 2-3 miles, then finally 4-5…
  • WANTING it has been a completely new feeling. Like, wow. I'm shocked every time I find myself looking forward to my next workout or getting excited about prepping my meals ahead of time, LOL.
  • I actually really liked it! LOL, I can't believe I'm saying that! Of course, I've only done one day and in a couple of weeks I'll probably be singing a different tune, ha! But three months ago I would never have been able to do want I did yesterday. It feels really good. I'm enjoying this whole weight-loss journey a lot…
  • This is excellent advice. I wasn't sure if it was okay to do a long walk on the rest days. But i'm definitely going to now. Thanks so much.
  • Thanks for the help! I think you're right about not increasing the speed. I didn't factor in having to run for a longer period of time for week 2.
  • Ah, okay. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out! I feel loads better about it now.