Yum!! Fish Tacos
Yum Ham and Pineapple pizza
Yep! I am pretty sure I over think things to much...... I dunno, I need to think about it and just focus on being the best me. More attractive that a douche with a six pack (at least I think)... I feel like I have the look of "I need a box, I'll eat the rest later"
Yum! Tomato Soup
2nd Divorce just last week. 1st divorce- she left me for her now husband. 2nd divorce- I thought I knew her but later found out how wrong I truly was. Learned a lot from both and I can honestly say that I am better for it no matter how bad was.
Yep Same Here LOL
Trust your gut
Cookie Dough Is pretty good. Chocolate is the best I think. P.S. I think anything Mint Chocolate should be Illegal. YUCK!!
Can't go wrong with strawberries sprinkled with truvia.
Yep Yep
Happened to my buddy. he had to send it back for a new one. it just stopped all of a sudden and after repeated chats with Fitbit support he sent it back for a new one and he hasn't had any problems.
Hey. I'm looking to lose 60-70lbs and get my mind right and stick with it this time. Feel free to add me
We are interested from top to bottom but usually get friendzoned if we dont have six pack abs. " you're so nice, we could be such good friends" lol just sayin.
The random touch that makes me know that it us against the world. The kiss that melts and the look in her eyes..
Tired of what I see in the mirrior. Tired of the sidways looks from my wife. Tired of knowing how unattractive i feel inside and out.
- Kind of a read but it framed it up pretty well for me. No solid number but long into short, Calories continue to be burned higher than they would be if you didn't workout at all. I'm not sure if i just made it more confusing or not.
Feeling unattractive is pretty much a constant for me.
Stuff you should know- great podcast covering a different topic on each show.
I weigh everyday so I can track my trending loss and tighten up if I see a major swing. I want to see the number and keep it in my mind. It helps me make soild food choices and in the end, feel better when my good choices pay off in the numbers.