

  • Sorry I was late to these replies! But yes, I do the 30 Day Shred too and in a matter of 2 weeks I saw results! I lost about 30 pounds with day to day exercise and diet changes. I tried doing her 30 Day Shred again but I found it too easy and boring. For the past couple of days I have been alternating the two videos a day.…
  • I sort of understand how you feel. I worked so hard to lose about 30 pounds since I have hypothyroidism so losing weight is ten times harder. I lost it, only to gain 17 of it back! So, I am looking for motivatiors and people to hold me accountable! I'll definitely add you!! I have about 30-45 pounds to lose! :smile:
  • Added! :smile:
  • Same reason I am losing weight too! I keep praying to God to help me with the strength to reach my goal and become healthier!! I lost 30 pounds before but gained about 17 back, so I now have to start over! I'll send you a request, hopefully we can definitely support one another during this! :blush:
  • You can add me for sure! I know I have an issue with always falling off the wagon when I have lack of support, so this time I am getting serious and want to make friends and support each other! I lost 30 pounds in the past but I have put 17 back on, so this time I am going to get serious! Add me if you like, I promise I am…
  • Definitely have the same issue! Anyone is welcome to add! :smile:
  • Anyone can add me if they wish! Although, I can help as much as I can to provide motivation but I think I will need anyone who can help me with that as well! I promise I am not mean, haha!