danna71 Member


  • I am doing low carb diet
  • So how can i know the exact number of net carbs I am eating, like I said its saying I have eat 24g of carbs, don't how to tell how much of that is net carbs. I so want to do this right.
  • I am in the process of having digital sent to me, it should arrive Tuesday. As for exercise, I am limited right now, I do 30 min treadmill, sprint as fast as i can for 30 sec and walk incline 4 min and repeat, I am sure I burn more, cause I do 3 set squats with weights and I added little more strength training today. How…
    in HELP Comment by danna71 March 2016
  • I don't have a cycle anymore, hyst. at 26, 44 now, but just had hormones checked and they are good. Only meds I am on is Ambien. Thinking thyroid test might be good. Actually just in my second week of working out have not been able to for a year and still restricted due to failing neck fusion, so cardio is my work out…
  • I am tracking my calories and I don't eat no where near my daily goal which MFP says 1200, no matter how hard I try I can't do it, like today I ate about 1000 calories, I get full to fast. I almost feel like it takes forever for my food to digest.
  • I am tracking everything, my low carb meals are all fresh, I eat lots of fresh veggies, celery, cucumbers as a snack. I for sure try and keep my sodium down, however sometimes I am not sucessful, but very mindful of it. Yes Roxie its mostly in my belly area, I just started back exercising after taking almost year off due…
  • I would love to join the LCDG, sent in request to join, this is my 2nd on a low carb, high fat diet. Little nervous, but I am determined to do this.