Is a Keto diet recommended for nursing mothers?
My biggest fear is when I saw an article stating that about half of those purchasing the device stopped using it after a number of months. I hate throwing good money away, espeically if I al already posting my exerercise in MFP everyday already.
Lost 11lbs in January of this year. My weight went up slightly after after a few weeks of working out then progressively went down again.
I wonder if it is that the body treats different types of foods differently? See the following for details:
Rather than using the original BMI rating which is not that accurate for either short people or tall people (like myself at 6' 2") I used the new algorithm. The original BMI had an equation that did not take into account anyone taller or shorter than average. As a result, the orignal BMI calculated my ideal weight at like…
I used in the past before discovering MFP. I did lose weight but it messed up my system. Senna , the plant-based laxative that used in these teas caused diarrheoa, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. Rather than jeopardising one’s health, it is better to follow the long but safer method of losing weight.